The STRING_TO_ARRAY() function in PostgreSQL splits a string into an array using a specified delimiter. An optional parameter allows you to specify a string that should be treated as null during the splitting process. Uses of the PostgreSQL STRING_TO_ARRAY() Function Split Strings:Convert a ...
regexp_split_to_table 和 regexp_split_to_array 都是字符串分隔函数,可通过指定的表达式进行分隔。区别是 regexp_split_to_table 将分割出的数据转成行,regexp_split_to_array 是将分隔的数据转成数组。
In Postgresql, the regexp_split_to_array() function is used to split the specified string into an array using the specified POSIX regular expressions. The strings as well as the POSIX regular expression are provided to the function as an argument. This expression will act as a separator for ...
array_lower(anyarray, int)intreturns lower bound of the requested array dimensionarray_lower('[0:2]={1,2,3}'::int[], 1)0 array_prepend(anyelement, anyarray)anyarrayappend an element to the beginning of an arrayarray_prepend(1, ARRAY[2,3]){1,2,3} array_to_string(anyarray, text...
3.regexp_split_to_array a.语法介绍 regexp_split_to_array(string text, pattern text [, flags text ]) Split string using a POSIX regular expression as the delimiter. b.实际例子 postgres=# SELECT regexp_split_to_array('kenyon,love,,china,!',','); regexp_split_to_array --- {kenyon,...
Splitting a string is a very common requirement for all PostgreSQL Database Developers. I used regexp_split_to_array to split the string and store the result into a string array. You can pass any delimiters. Below are two sample example using regexp_split_to_array(): ...
regexp_split_to_array函数的行为和regexp_split_to_table相同,不过regexp_split_to_array会把它的结果以一个text数组的形式返回。它的语法是regexp_split_to_array(string, pattern [, flags ])。这些参数和regexp_split_to_table的相同。 一些例子: ...
(";") // split into all statements .map(, String.prototype.trim) .filter(function(el) {return el.length != 0}); // remove any empty ones // Execute each SQL query sequentially queries.forEach(function(query) { batch.push(function(done) { if (query.indexOf("...
() function accepts a string as the first argument, splits it into array elements, and concatenates the array elements using a delimiter/separator. The separator can be any value, such as white space, comma, semi-colon, etc. This write-up explained Postgres' STRING_TO_ARRAY() function ...
INSERT INTO table2 (column_names) SELECT unnest(string_to_array(columns, ',')) AS column_names FROM table1; 代码语言:txt 复制 这里使用了string_to_array函数将逗号分隔的列名转换为数组,然后使用unnest函数将数组展开为多行数据,并插入到新表中。 现在,新表"table2"中的每一行都包含一个列...