SELECTfirst_name,last_name,salaryFROMemployeesorderbysalarydescOFFSET10ROWSfetchfirst10rowsonly; OFFSET表示先忽略掉多少行数据,然后再返回后面的结果。ROWS也可以写成ROW。对于应用程序而言,只需要传入不同的OFFSET偏移量和FETCH数量,就可以在结果中任意导航。使用LIMIT加上OFFSET同样可以实现分页效果: SELECTfirst_name...
DO $$ DECLARE rec_emp RECORD; cur_emp CURSOR(p_deptid INTEGER) FOR SELECT first_name, last_name, hire_date FROM employees WHERE department_id = p_deptid; BEGIN -- 打开游标 OPEN cur_emp(60); LOOP -- 获取游标中的记录 FETCH cur_emp INTO rec_emp; -- 没有找到更多数据时退出循环 EXIT...
jQuery 库杀鸡焉用宰牛刀啊。其实 W3C 已经有了更好的替代品,那就是: Fetch API。
[ ALL | DISTINCT ] select ] [ ORDER BY expression [ ASC | DESC | USING operator ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [, ...] ] [ LIMIT { count | ALL } ] [ OFFSET start [ ROW | ROWS ] ] [ FETCH { FIRST | NEXT } [ count ] { ROW | ROWS } ONLY ] [ FOR { UPDATE | ...
select 列名1、列名2 into 变量1,变量2 from 表名必须唯一,且不能为空,否则报too_many_row和no_data_found --一般配合max()、nvl函数使用 SELECT NVL(MAX(列名),'NOTFOUND') INTO 变量 from 表名 1. 2. 条件语句 IF condition1 AND condition3 THEN ...
3、从游标中取值 fetch .. into.. | 4、检查那一行被返回 5、处理 6、关闭循环 end loop; 7、关闭游标 if cs1&isopen then close cs1; 选项:参数和返回类型 set serveroutput on declare cursor emp_cur ( p_deptid in number) is select * from employees where department_id = p_deptid;l_emp emp...
main PostmasterMain ServerLoop BackendStartup BackendRun PostgresMain exec_simple_query # 词法解析/语法解析/优化器 PortalRun # 已经生产执行计划,开始执行 PortalRunSelect # 执行计划是 查询,这里和 insert的执行计划是不一样的 standard_ExecutorRun ExecutePlan ExecProcNode ExecScan ExecScanFetch SeqNext tabl...
fetch_args limit_clause select_limit_value offset_clause select_offset_value select_fetch_first_value I_or_F_const %type <ival> row_or_rows first_or_next %type <list> OptSeqOptList SeqOptList OptParenthesizedSeqOptList %type <defelt> SeqOptElem %type <istmt> insert_rest %type <infer> ...
-- reveal the per-shard queries behind the scenesSETcitus.log_remote_commandsTOon;-- run a query on distributed table "github_users"SELECTcount(*)FROMgithub_users; 輸出會顯示數個在背景工作角色上執行的查詢,因為協調器上的單一count(*)查詢。
(1 row) FETCH ALL IN "<unnamed cursor 1>"; COMMIT; CREATE FUNCTION myfunc(refcursor, refcursor) RETURNS SETOF refcursor AS $$ BEGIN OPEN $1 FOR SELECT * FROM table_1; RETURN NEXT $1; OPEN $2 FOR SELECT * FROM table_2; RETURN NEXT $2; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- need to ...