I gather from the dozens of other questions on this topic that I need to switch to, or create the "MyComputer" role, however I've noticed that they all require using the psql command. When I run even just psql I, again, get the error FATAL: role "MyProfile" does not exist.So far...
1 CREATE ROLE root superuser PASSWORD'password'login;
在docker里恢复bakcup格式的数据库,结果提示role "root" does not exist 解决方法: 切换用户: su - postgres 然后再次运行命令: 1 pg_restore --dbname=数据库名 --jobs=4 --verbose data.backup
2 role "postgres" does not exist; cannot createuser 9 ERROR: must be member of role "" PostgreSQL 0 Role "username" not found: PostgreSQL Windows 0 psql: FATAL: role "user" does not exist 1 How to solve ERROR: must be member of role "postgres" 2 POSTGRES: FATAL: role ...
Ubuntu18.04LTS+postgresql10.17+citus 分表的时候: postgres=# select create_distributed_table('t01','id2');WARNING:connection error: localhost:9702 DETAIL: FATAL: role "citusr" does not exist ERROR: connection error: localhost:9702 DETAIL: FATAL: role "citusr" does not exist ...
解决办法: PostgreSQL包級 r:ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction blockp 错误7 ERROR: operator does not exist: character = integer 原因:PostgreSQL8.3以后,取消了默认类型转换。因此需要使比较的类型保持一致。可以看cast函数。 附错误code...
A PostgreSQL Fatal error like role or username does not exist. This is a very common error which is facing by PostgreSQL Users. Actually, this is happening because of misconfiguration of System username and Database Username. Most of the Linux users are trying to log in PostgreSQL using root...
psql:/tmp/sonar.sql:36: ERROR: role "sonar" does not exist 1. 问题原因: 因在原有的pg数据库里面,database sonar库是赋权给sonar用户的,而在新的pgsql里面,sonar库是用postgres用户创建的。没有sonar用户,也没有授权给sonar用户。 这种情况导入数据的正确步骤: ...
{ "invalid_role_specification", ERRCODE_INVALID_ROLE_SPECIFICATION }, { "diagnostics_exception", ERRCODE_DIAGNOSTICS_EXCEPTION }, { "stacked_diagnostics_accessed_without_active_handler", ERRCODE_STACKED_DIAGNOSTICS_ACCESSED_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_HANDLER }, { "case_not_found", ERRCODE_CASE_NOT_FOUND }, {...
参见https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37271402/pg-restore-error-role-xxx-does-not-exist 2. 需要先把备份文件拷贝到container里面,其他mount的方法感觉还是没那么灵活。 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37271402/pg-restore-error-role-xxx-does-not-exist ...