如果一切设置正确,应用应该能够成功连接到PostgreSQL数据库,并且不再显示此错误。 通过以上步骤,您应该能够解决 org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: error: relation "dual" does not exist 的问题。如果问题仍然存在,请检查配置文件的其他部分,确保没有其他错误或不一致之处。
项目启动报错org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "dual" does not exist 在项目中用到了多数据源,在连接postgres数据库时,项目启动报错,说数据库连接错误,说dual不存在,网上好多教程都是说数据库查询的时候的大小写问题,而这个仅仅是连接,咋鞥却处理方法是修改application-dev.yml中的配置文件. 项目...
TheDUALtable does not exist in PostgreSQL by default The variablep_widthis not declared within the function scope but it’s getting accessed These types of semantic issues don’t arise during the compilation of the function in PostgreSQL. However, they may appear when the function is ...
SQL> select * from dual@uat_srm; select * from dual@uat_srm * ERROR at line 1: ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message: ERROR: relation "DUAL" does not exist; No query has been executed with that handle {42P01,NativeErr = 1} ORA-02063: pre...
Citus 可以扩展多远? 何时使用 Citus 多租户数据库 实时分析 使用注意事项 何时 Citus 不合适 快速教程...
"Relation does not exist" error occurred when restoring from PostgreSQL backups. "Use empty string as NULL" option did not work in Import Wizard. Unknown Internal error occurred when writing query in some cases. Unknown Internal error occurred when backup in Automation in some cases. Hang issue...
ERROR: relation "test" does not exist LINE 1: insert into test(id) values('a'); ^ test=> insert into "TEST"(id) values('b'); INSERT 0 1 1.5列(别)名为关键字 Oracle和PG的数据字典关键字集合是有差异、有交集的。Oracle中比如text这样的关键字可以直接作为列的别名,比如:select xx text fr...
SQL compliance is necessary: Since MySQL does not try to implement the full SQL standard, this tool is not completely SQL compliant. If complete or even near-complete SQL compliance is a must for your use case, you may want to use a more fully compliant DBMS. ...
ERROR: 42703: column "passwore" of relation "account" does not exist highgo=# grant select (password) on public.account to highgo; GRANT highgo=# Log Output: [highgo@localhost pg_log]$ cat postgresql-2017-08-12_140004.log LOG: 00000: database system was shut down at 2017-08-12 14:...
We are running our Hyper HQ software using Windows 2003 server and we are running into probles witht the PostreSQL. Once a day we get many errors in event view