CONSTRAINT account_unique_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id) ) WITH ( OIDS = FALSE ) TABLESPACE pg_default; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 建两张同样表结构的表 create unique index IX_account_unique_email on account_unique (email); alter table account_constrain add cons...
1、创建唯一索可以使用关键字UNIQUE随表一同创建 CREATE TABLE `wb_blog` ( `id` smallint(8) unsigned NOT NULL, `catid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `title` varchar(80) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `content` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `catename` (`catid`...
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_t_ab ON t USING btree (a, b) INCLUDE (c); 以上语句基于字段 a 和 b 创建了多列索引,同时利用INCLUDE在索引的叶子节点存储了字段 c 的值。以下查询可以利用 Index-Only 扫描: explain analyzeselecta, b, cfromtwherea =100and b =200; QUERY PLAN| ---|Index Only Scan...
所以它保持了a和b的uuid。地点:primary key (a_uuid, b_uuid) 还有一个索引 create unique index my_a_b_data_pkey on my_a_b_data (a_uuid, b_uuid); 在Java jdbc类似的代码中,在范围内只有一个事务:(start() -> [code (delet 浏览2提问于2020-01-22得票数 5...
存储在 R 树上的索引,例如在空间数据类型上找到的索引存储在 B 树上的索引,例如 PRIMARY KEY、INDEX、FULLTEXT 和 UNIQUE使用 FULLTEXT 索引时的倒排列表和哈希索引 安全 PostgreSQL和MySQL都支持组和用户管理,并为各种角色授予SQL权限。MySQL 支持本机窗口服务、PAM 和 LDAP 进行用户身份验证,而 PostgreSQL 支持...
This server is a perfect fit for data integrity and supports Primary Keys, Secondary Keys, UNIQUE, NOT NULL, EXPLICIT LOCKS, Advisory Locks, and Exclusion Constraints. Features of SQL Server The SQL server is characterized by its high-performance ability, especially in dealing with the great work...
Create a unique index with a concurrently clause, which allows the index to be built without an exclusive lock on the table. This will expedite the primary key creation phase, which requires exclusive lock to enforce not null and primary key constraints...
Now if we insert the same value ofidagain, it errors out with a duplicate key violation because of the unique primary key: postgres=>INSERTINTOblogVALUES(1,'AWS Blog1');ERROR:duplicatekeyvalueviolatesuniqueconstraint"blog_pkey"DETAIL:Key(n)=(1)alreadyexists. ...