在PostgreSQL中,可以使用pgcrypto扩展进行数据加密和安全设置。首先安装pgcrypto扩展,然后使用pgp_sym_encrypt()和pgp_sym_decrypt()函数进行加密和解密操作。 在PostgreSQL中进行数据加密和安全设置 1、使用pgcrypto扩展进行数据加密 安装pgcrypto扩展:在PostgreSQL中执行命令CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;来安装pgcrypto扩展。 加密...
应用函数:pgp_sym_encrypt,pgp_pub_encrypt 3.8.2compress-algo 压缩算法使用。只有PostgreSQL使用zlib编译的时候才可用。 值选项: 0 - 无压缩 1 - ZIP 压缩 2 - ZLIB 压缩(= ZIP + meta-data 和块 CRCs) 默认值: 0 应用函数:pgp_sym_encrypt, pgp_pub_encrypt` ...
update mytable t1 set area_code = t2.area_code from (select pgp_sym_encrypt(area_code,'Password', 'compress-algo=1, cipher-algo=aes256') as area_code,area_name from mytable) t2 where t1.area_name = t2.area_name; However the decryption query does not seem to work if I give s...
使用对称秘钥:selectpgp_sym_encrypt('Secret.','key','cipher-algo=aes192'); pgp_sym_encrypt---\xc30d04080302bf1d74533d338175d9de66628c441ab1efda51a047b86652e296821a22e59b99f395e5582ae90d724c2f86ed23801525b8f0c58e9fa24e25e9f342eee3156f38f45b2b (1row)Selectpgp...
Second the BouncyCastle example code assumes that the plain text has been compressed. I have added RFC1950 compression (ZLIB) to thepgp_sym_encrypt. With those changes to the trigger I get: postgres=# update projects set title = 'My secret compressed title.'; ...
pgp_sym_encrypt('Hi There', 'password'), 'password') ; Please note that the cipher text returned by the encryption function and passed to the decryption function is in bytea format. To utilize public key functionality, you first need a key. You can generate one using GnuPG wit...
我将在PostgreSQL中实现特定的列加密VALUES ( PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT('abc'::character varyingcurrent_setting('encrypt.key')),但是我的数据库中< 浏览1提问于2020-06-11得票数 0 1回答 良好的加密性能 、、、 我正在将sql服务器数据库转换为PostgreSQL9.4。我被一些非常慢的东西困住了。new.text3 : = pgp_sym...
new.bytea1 : = pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea 浏览0提问于2015-02-17得票数 2 2回答 PostgreSQL - Psycopg2 - copy_from -编码“UTF8”的字节序列无效: 0x00 、、 我想使用Psycopg2 (2.7.1) copy_from()方法将字节插入类型为bytea的PostgreSQL (9.5.7)数据库列。我可以用以下代码插入我的字节: psycopg2_...
VALUES (1, pgp_sym_encrypt('sensitive_info', 'passphrase')); Generating cryptographic hashes, like an SHA-256 hash of a string: SELECT digest('Hello, world!', 'sha256'); 5. citext citextstands for “case-insensitive text.” It allows database users to store and compare textual data ...
PGP 对称加密举例 使用对称密钥加密, 这里的对称密钥为'pwd'字符串 : digoal=# select pgp_sym_encrypt('i am digoal', 'pwd', 'cipher-algo=bf, compress-algo=2, compress-level=9'); pgp_sym_encrypt --- --- \xc30d0404030245811e051118cc...