尽管用户角色没有对存在触发器函数和约束函数的app_private架构的授权,但仍发生事件。但是,有了代码块 (2),代码就可以很好地执行触发器,同时还给了我一个"permission denied for function constraint_max_length"检查约束。所以我试图理解,用户角色没有使用授权的模式中存在的触发器函数如何始终成功执行? 如果触发函数...
postgres=>select*fromtest.city; ERROR: permission deniedfortablecity postgres=> 需要显式授权: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 postgres=>setrole postgres; SET postgres=#grantselectontabletest.citytoobj_user; GRANT postgres=# postgres=#setrole obj_user; SET postgres=>select*fromt...
If you set a relevant column in permission_target to NULL (e.g., the object_name and column_name columns in a TABLE entry), the meaning is that the entry refers to all possible objects (in the example above, all tables in the schema). 函数 permission_diffs() Functions The table func...
ACLs are managed on objects in Postgres using the GRANT and REVOKE SQL commands. In most cases, when an object is created, only the owner has any privileges to use or work with that object in any way, exceptions being that PUBLIC is granted EXECUTE permission ...
#defineACL_INSERT(1<<0)/* for relations */#defineACL_SELECT(1<<1)#defineACL_UPDATE(1<<2)#defineACL_DELETE(1<<3)#defineACL_TRUNCATE(1<<4)#defineACL_REFERENCES(1<<5)#defineACL_TRIGGER(1<<6)#defineACL_EXECUTE(1<<7)/* for functions */#defineACL_USAGE(1<<8)/* for languages, ...
This can happen only if the schema owner grants the CREATE privilege on his schema to someone else, or a superuser chooses to create objects in it. 千万不要把自己的对象创建到别人的schema下面,那很危险。 本文后面的例子中会提及。 对象级别的权限,每种类型的对象权限属性都不一样,具体请参考这里。
permission: 权限许可 grant: 授予 role/user 某个权限, 让 ta 拥有 这个权限的权限许可。 revoke : 撤销权限许可 通常是以角色为中心, 一个角色关联多个用户, 一个角色关联多个权限 ACL: Access Control List 简介:以前非常盛行的一种权限设计,它的核心主要在于用户和权限直接挂钩。
Functions EXECUTE Procedural Languages USAGE Schemas CREATE USAGE ALL 重要 每种对象需要单独授权。例如,对Database授予ALL权限(GRANT ALL)并不代表可以访问该Database内部的所有表,只是授予了对该Database的CONNECT、CREATE和TEMP权限。 将表mytable的INSERT权限授权给jsmith。示例如下: GRANT INSERT ON mytable TO ...
However, there are exceptions: for instance, PUBLIC is granted EXECUTE permission on functions and procedures, CONNECT, and TEMPORARY permission on databases and USAGE permission on languages, data types, and domains. These privileges can be revoked if needed. The ability to modify or dele...
(Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.) ...