- Development Platforms Variety. ODBC driver for PostgreSQL doesn't limit your choice of the development platform and environment. The driver installations are available for various operational systems and platforms. The current version supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both 32-bit and 64-bit....
1. 安装有excel的windows,做为客户端,excel是为为测试odbc而要求,非必须; 2. 安装有PostgreSQL的服务器,我的是在Redhat Linux 4上装的。 二、下载PostgreSQL命令的ODBC 官方的我没有找到,不过可以从以下站点下载。 http://d.download.csdn.net/down/3059636/ldz_1_0_1 下载下来psqlodbc_08_03_01.zip后,解...
Database Toolbox™ no longer supports connecting to a database using a 32-bit driver. Use the 64-bit version of PostgreSQL. If you have issues working with the ODBC driver, use the JDBC driver instead. For details, see PostgreSQL JDBC for Windows. For details about working with the 64...
PostgreSQL ODBC driver (32/64 bit) 论坛 这是一个社区论坛而非官方的技术支持。 - 如果您需要官方支持:请 联系我们 Search 以下评论皆归发布者所有,我们不对此负任何责任。 添加话题 话题发布者最后发帖时间帖子 CrossOver 论坛:讨论 Mac 和 Linux 上运行 Windows 应用程序相关的话题的地方 常用链接 首页 ...
Driver={PostgreSQL ODBC Driver(UNICODE)};Server=<server>;Port=<port>;Database=<database>;UID=<user id>;PWD=<password> 輸入連接字串 在[選擇資料來源] 或 [選擇目的地] 頁面上,於 [ConnectionString] 欄位中輸入連接字串,或在 [Dsn] 欄位中輸入 DSN 名稱...
Step 1: Download the PostgreSQL ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL Step 2: Install the PostgreSQL ODBC Driver Step 3: Use System DSN to Setup the psqlODBCx64 Driver Step 4: Connect and Verify PostgreSQL ODBC Connection Step 1: Download the PostgreSQL ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL In this example, it is...
postgresql windows 11 windows armEllenP1 Bit poster Messages: 1 Hello, I am having many troubles setting up the Postgresql ODBC Unicode64 Driver on the VM. I am working on Mac M1 and windows 11. I am wondering if this issue is linked to the windows ARM. I have downloaded the most re...
GVP全称是码云最有价值开源项目,是码云综合评定出的优秀开源项目 码云官方提供的使用手册https://gitee.com/help 码云封面人物是一档用来展示码云会员风采的栏目https://gitee.com/gitee-stars/ 简介 Official postgreSQL ODBC driver 暂无标签 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者(6) 全部...
postgresql odbc driver error 07-25-2018 08:53 AM hi, i was trying to connect to postgresql database but i can't cause dont have certificatyes o some of this. My solution was install postgresql odce driver, I did the test connection and this was succesfully, i tried to connect ...
UseTable 1–8to configure the environment properties for the specified JDBC/ODBC driver. Parameter Value Description JDBC Connection Pool Datasource ClassName org.postgresql.jdbc3.Jdbc3ConnectionPool ClassNamefor OtherInterfaces ServerName Server name of the machine hosting the database. ...