当你遇到 PostgreSQL 报错“null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint”时,这表示你尝试在 "id" 列中插入或更新一个 NULL 值,但该列被设置为非空(NOT NULL)约束。要解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤进行: 确认"id"列的非空约束: 首先,确认你的数据库表结构中 "id" 列确实被设置为非空。
ERROR: null value in column "a" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (null, 3). test=# select * from tbl_null; a | b ---+--- 1 | 1 2 | (2 rows)*/ 2.NOT NULL约束增加 已存在的字段设置NOT NULL约束前必须先删除为NULL的数据行。 /*test=# alter table tbl_...
test=# create table tbl_null (a int not null,b varchar(12)); CREATE TABLE test=# insert into tbl_null (a,b) values(1,'1'); INSERT 0 1 test=# insert into tbl_null (a) values(2); INSERT 0 1 test=# insert into tbl_null (b) values('3'); ERROR: null value in column "a...
; SQL []; ERROR: null value in column "person_id" violates not-null constraint 详细:Failing row contains (null, 小兰, 2, 重庆, 2017-06-04).; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: null value in column "person_id" violates not-null constraint 详细:Failing row cont...
PostgreSQL存储null值的方法 使用pageinspact工具来观察null是如何存储的。执行下面的测试: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 postgres=#createtablet(iint, jint, kint); CREATETABLE postgres=#insertintotvalues(8,1,6); INSERT0 1 ...
Null is: null Understanding NULL in PostgreSQL In PostgreSQL, NULL means no value. In other words, the NULL column does not have any value. It does not equal 0, empty string, or spaces. The NULL value cannot be tested using any equality operator like “=” “!=” etc. There are some...
01003 null_value_eliminated_in_set_function 01007 privilege_not_granted 01006 privilege_not_revoked 01004 string_data_right_truncation 01P01 deprecated_feature 表3. Class 02 — No Data (this is also a warning class per the SQL standard) Error Code Condition Name 02000 no_data 02001 no_addition...
Rémi Aubel opened SPR-16669 and commented PostgreSQL database defines the type UUID (this type does not exist in java.sql.Types). I want to use this kind of PreparedStatement: SELECT ... WHERE :VAL IS NOT NULL AND :VAL = <my_uuid_column>...
01003 在集合函数里消除了空值(NULL VALUE ELIMINATED IN SET FUNCTION) 01007 无权限(PRIVILEGE NOT GRANTED) 01006 没有撤销权限(PRIVILEGE NOT REVOKED) 01004 字串数据在右端截断(STRING DATA RIGHT TRUNCATION) 01P01 废弃的特性(DEPRECATED FEATURE) 02 类:没有数据 — 按照 SQL 标准的要求,这也是警告类 020...
当且仅当value1和value2相等时,NULLIF才返回NULL。否则它返回value1。 NULLIF(value1, value2) MyTest=> SELECT NULLIF('abc','abc'); nullif --- (1 row) MyTest=> SELECT NULLIF('abcd','abc'); nullif --- abcd (1 row) 4. GREATEST和LEAST: GREATEST和LEAST函数从一个任意的数字表达式列表里...