pgsql-ha-postgresql-ha-postgresql-0 2/2 Running 0 6h18m pgsql-ha-postgresql-ha-postgresql-1 2/2 Running 0 6h17m 2020-08-28 10:38:08.704 GMT [13035] WARNING: no privileges were granted for "public" 2020-08-28 10:38:08.704 GMT [13035] CONTEXT: SQL statement "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA ...
postgres=>grantexecuteonfunctionpg_catalog.pg_ls_waldir()to"prometheus"; WARNING:noprivileges were grantedfor"pg_ls_waldir" The function is owned bycloudsqladmininstead ofcloudsqlsuperuser, so I logged back in aspostgresto try again: postgres=>CREATEUSERmysuperuser1WITHREPLICATIONIN...
WARNING: no privileges were granted for "public" GRANT test=> GRANT SELECT on public.emp to father; GRANT test=> 6.3 创建成员角色 test=> \c postgres postgres You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres". postgres=# CREATE ROLE son1 login nosuperuser nocreatedb nocreat...
$$languageplpgsql; appuser=>selectg_or_v('grant','appuser','ro','r',array['public.tbl2'],'select');WARNING:noprivilegeswere grantedfor"public" CONTEXT:SQLstatement"GRANT usage on schema "public" to ro" PL/pgSQLfunctiong_or_v(text,name,name,text,text[],text)line13atEXECUTENOTICE:GR...
WARNING: no privileges were granted for "public" I restarted with "open as administrator" option, this time I got the following error. ERROR: must be owner of function Here is my function -- FUNCTION: traffic.get_user_route_folders_new() --DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS traffic.get_user_route_...
WARNING: noprivilegeswere grantedfor"public"GRANTtest=>GRANTSELECTonpublic.emptofather;GRANTtest=> 6.3 创建成员角色 test=>\c postgres postgres You are now connectedtodatabase"postgres"asuser"postgres". postgres=#CREATEROLE son1 login nosuperuser nocreatedb nocreaterole inherit encrypted password'abc...
28、 relationsSchema | Name | Type | Owner -+-+-+-public | emp | table | renee(1 row)test= GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public to father;WARNING: no privileges were granted for publicGRANTtest= GRANT SELECT on public.emp to father;GRANTtest= 6.3 创建成员角色test= c postgres postgresYou are...
否则会报错(SQL执行失败了,是报错,打断脚本):permission denied for relation table_nam 把public这个schema下面的所有表的所有权限授予给public这个role 如果该元素(某个table或all table)已经授予过权限给public等role了,那么就报一个提示(SQL还是执行成功了,不是报错,不打断脚本):no privileges were granted for “...
PostgreSQL grants default privileges on some types of objects to PUBLIC. No privileges are granted to PUBLIC by default on tables, columns, schemas or tablespaces. For other types, the default privileges granted to PUBLIC are as follows: CONNECT and CREATE TEMP TABLE for databases; ...
Each user must be granted a connection privilege using an SQL command for every individual IP address they connect from, or privileges can be granted all at once across multiple IP addresses within a subnet. An example command to grant all privileges on the database "testdb" to the u...