It is highly recommended to refrain from using keywords or reserved words as identifiers, especially when naming tables. Just because a table can be named as"with", it does not necessarily mean it is the best choice. Postgresql - What are columns naming conventions in, I seem commercial packa...
C# Best Practice. Objects within an object, Loosely coupled or not c# bindingsource filter between dates C# Boolean naming conventions c# button as blinking C# Button-How to add image or icon c# byte and bit conversion c# byte array size C# calculate age c# capture problem records in Sql...
Database naming conventions PostgreSQL identifiers Documentation Version control system Database migration tool PostgreSQL objects hierarchy Template databases User databases Roles Tablespace Template procedural languages Settings PostgreSQL high-level object interaction PostgreSQL database components Schema Schema usage...
Database naming conventions PostgreSQL identifiers Documentation Version control systems Database-migration tools PostgreSQL object hierarchy Template databases User databases Roles Tablespaces Template procedural languages Settings PostgreSQL high-level object interaction PostgreSQL database components Schemas Schema us...
Amazon Redshift and PostgreSQL PDFRSS Many functions that are not excluded have different semantics or usage. For example, some supported functions will run only on the leader node. Also, some unsupported functions will not return an error when run on the leader node. The fact that these funct...
Naming stored procedures Security and privileges Returning a result set Managing transactions Trapping errors Logging stored procedures Limitations PL/pgSQL language reference PL/pgSQL reference conventions Structure of PL/pgSQL Supported PL/pgSQL statements Materialized views Materialized view queries Automatic...
3.5. Experimental File Naming Conventions Result file: The query time/latency results are saved in a CSV file with a name determined according to the experimental file naming conventions, i.e., database name_table name_query type_number of runs_test Id. For example, the name “postgresql_use...