无论是流复制还是SQL接口查询(select pg_create_logical_replication_slot('xxx','wal2json'); SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('regression_slot', NULL, NULL);),逻辑解码真正的入口都是在通过XLogReadRecord()得到Xlog Record之后,调用LogicalDecodingProcessRecord(ctx, ctx->reader)。 ReorderBuffer...
public Azure.ResourceManager.PostgreSql.FlexibleServers.Models.PostgreSqlMigrationLogicalReplicationOnSourceDb? SetupLogicalReplicationOnSourceDbIfNeeded { get; set; } Property Value Nullable<PostgreSqlMigrationLogicalReplicationOnSourceDb> Applies to ProduktVerze Azure SDK ...
Indicates whether to setup LogicalReplicationOnSourceDb, if needed. C# Копиране public Azure.ResourceManager.PostgreSql.FlexibleServers.Models.PostgreSqlMigrationLogicalReplicationOnSourceDb? SetupLogicalReplicationOnSourceDbIfNeeded { get; set; } Prope...
对于手工创建的origin,需要调用pg_replication_origin_session_setup () API绑定会话到origin。 postgres=# select pg_replication_origin_session_setup('test_origin'); -- 将当前会话标记为从给定的原点回放,从而允许跟踪回放进度。 只能在当前没有选择原点时使用。使用pg_replication_origin_session_reset 命令来撤销。
00:00:00 postgres: logical replication launcher 通过以上输出,可以看出 PostgreSQL 安装在“/usr/pgsql-12”目录中,初始化数据库的数据目录为“/var/lib/pgsql/12/data”。同时,操作系统创建了一个新的用户“postgres”。 除此之外,还可以安装一些第三方的扩展包和管理工具: yum install postgresql12-contrib ...
postgresql repmgr setup 一.soft requires(Master/Slave) OS: CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core) X64 1.disabled SELINUX # more /etc/selinux/config # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system. # SELINUX= can take one of these three values:...
[root@db-postgresql13 home]# /usr/pgsql-13/bin/postgresql-13-setup initdb Initializing database ... OK 启动PostgreSQL服务 [root@db-postgresql13 home]# systemctl start postgresql-13 # 查看服务状态 [root@db-postgresql13 ~]# systemctl status postgresql-13● postgresql-13.service - PostgreSQL ...
Physical replication uses tools like pg_basebackup and pg_rewind, guaranteeing continuous data transfer from the old to the new PostgreSQL setup. Hybrid approaches Sometimes, several strategies might be adopted to meet the unique needs and limitations of the migration project. Application migration ...
"PostgreSQL Replication" contains all the information you need to design and operate replicated setups. You will learn everything you need to know for your daily work and a lot more. What you will learn from this book Recover a PostgreSQL database to a certain point in time Set up ...
Physical replication uses tools like pg_basebackup and pg_rewind, guaranteeing continuous data transfer from the old to the new PostgreSQL setup. Hybrid approaches Sometimes, several strategies might be adopted to meet the unique needs and limitations of the migration project. Application migration ...