intplpgsql_recognize_err_condition(constchar*condname,bool allow_sqlstate){// 如果直接给错误码:调用MAKE_SQLSTATE拼SQLSTATE...returnMAKE_SQLSTATE(condname[0],condname[1],condname[2],condname[3],condname[4]);// 如果给的是字符串:在exception_label_map中查询后返回SQLSTATEfor(i=0;exception_...
alter sequence"t_user_ID_seq"restartwith1increment by1;--创建主键序列 drop indexifexists"t_user_pkey";alter table"t_user"add constraint"t_user_pkey"primarykey("ID"); 根据已有表结构创建表 代码语言:javascript 复制 create tableifnot exists新表(like 旧表 including indexes including comments incl...
pg_amcheck checks objects in a PostgreSQL database for corruption. pg_amcheck [OPTION]... [DBNAME] -a, --all check all databases -d, --database=PATTERN check matching database(s) -D, --exclude-database=PATTERN do NOT check matching database(s) -i, --index=PATTERN check matching ind...
Everyone who works with databases has an intuitive idea of what an index is, but for our purposes, an index isa cache of a partiuclar sortation of the input column.You can think of an index defined as: sql CREATE INDEX on t(a) WHERE b = 1; ...
index_rescan - restart a scan of an index 1. index_endscan - end a scan 1. index_insert - insert an index tuple into a relation 1. index_markpos - mark a scan position 1. index_restrpos - restore a scan position 1. index_parallelscan_estimate - estimate shared memory for parallel...
select relname,n.amname as index_type from pg_class m,pg_am n where m.relam = n.oid and m.oid in ( select b.indexrelid from pg_class a,pg_index b where a.oid = b.indrelid and a.relname = 'events'); 7)显示索引大小
reindexdb增加了—jobs,可以建多个数据库连接来并发来重建索引。wal_skip_threshold Skip WAL for new relfilenodes, under wal_level=minimal. https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=postgresql.git;a=commit;h=c6b92041d38512a4176ed76ad06f713d2e6c01a8...
res=cur.fetchall()forindex, iteminenumerate(res): table_name= item[2] old_column_name= item[3] new_column_name=camel_to_underline(old_column_name) column_type= item[15] column_null='null'ifitem[6] =='YES'else'not null'column_defult=''ifitem[5]isNoneelse'default {}'.format(item...
(selectoidfrompg_namespacewherenspname=nsp)limit1;iffoundthenraisenotice'you should use not exists table for exchange.';returnfalse;endif;-- 如果重试次数达到,还没有切换成功,则返回切换不成功ifsteps >= retrythenreturnfalse;endif;-- 设置锁超时executeformat('set local lock_timeout=%L;', timeout...