"pg_restore"是PostgreSQL数据库管理工具中的一个命令,用于将由pg_dump生成的备份文件恢复到数据库中。它可以用于将数据库对象和数据还原到先前的状态。 PostgreSQL是一...
import subprocess def backup_db(): subprocess.run([ "pg_dump", "--dbname=your_database_name", "--username=your_username", "--file=backup.sql" ], check=True) 恢复数据库: import subprocess def restore_db(): subprocess.run([ "psql", "--dbname=your_database_name", "--username=your...
引自http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/backup-dump.html#BACKUP-DUMP-RESTORE 在还原SQL转...
I'm trying to restore a dump without having the appropriate roles on the receiving database.As mentioned here but also here, you need to have the --no-owner as an option, either in pg_dump or pg_restore or both.I've used the following command line to create my dump:...
2 pg_restore: [custom archiver] could not read from input file: end of file 0 Heroku database restore issue Related 8 pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: extension "pg_stat_statements" must be installed in schema "heroku_ext" 0 PostgreSQL backup in cu...
import psycopg2 连接PostgreSQL 数据库 conn = psycopg2.connect(host="localhost",database="mydatabase",user="myusername",password="mypassword") 其中,host 是数据库主机名或 IP 地址,database 是数据库名称,user 和 password 是连接数据库的用户名和密码。
pg_dump and pg_restore is a native PostgreSQL client utility. You can find this utility as part of the database installation. It produces a set of SQL statements that you can run to reproduce the original database object definitions and table data.
The dump was then used to restore all data in a different database with the same table names, as in the origin db. Command: pg_restore -l -d target --verbose -Fc file.dump.; ; Archive created at 2024-03-19 14:00:10 UTC ; dbname: origin ; TOC Entries: 215 ; ...
One simpler alternative is to dump the extension pg_stat_statements before calling pg_dump and then recreate the extension on the target database after restoring the database if it's not already there. Unless you have something that depends on the extension during export/impor...