ERROR:column"tbl_insert.c" must appearintheGROUPBYclauseorbe usedinan aggregatefunctionLINE1:selecta,b,cfromtbl_insertgroupbya,b; 二.ORDER BY 使用ORDER BY对结果集进行排序,默认使用ASC升序排列,可指定DESC降序排列。 示例1.查询tbl_insert表按照a升序,c降序排列 test=#select*fromtbl_insertwherea>6ord...
4 GROUP BY title 5 ORDER BY SUM(salary); 这里要注意一下几个CLAUSE的先后次序。 WHERE在这里主要是做参与分组的记录的限制。 **另外,如果要选取出来一个不加组函数的列,如上面的TITLE,就要把这个列GROUP BY !否则要出错的!信息为 :ERROR at line 1: ORA-00937: not a single-group group function 理...
column “class” must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function 就是说这个 select class是非法的。 刚从MySQL切到PostgreSQL后很可能会比较难受这个点。 其实有一种很简单的方法, 那就是你反正其他的字段其实都一样,随便取一个就行,所以还是保持原来的GROUP BY 子句,然后直接给所...
(parse->groupingSets)//存在Grouping sets,不作处理return;/* * Scan the GROUP BY clause to find GROUP BY items that are simple Vars. * Fill groupbyattnos[k] with a bitmapset of the column attnos of RTE k * that are GROUP BY items. *///用于分组的属性groupbyattnos=(Bitmapset**)...
A clause "foo op ANY (sub-SELECT)" can be processed by pulling the sub-SELECT up to become a rangetable entry and treating the implied comparisons as quals of a semijoin. However, this optimization only works at the top level of WHERE or a JOIN/ON clause, because we cannot distinguish...
GROUP BY子句 根据所指定的属性进行分组,对应语法定义中的标识符group_clause HAVING子句和ORDER BY子句 HAVING子句的作用是根据指定的条件对GROUP BY的分组进行过滤; ORDER BY子句的作用是根据指定属性对整个查询的结果进行排序 带有集合操作的SELECT语句(交并差),这些复合语句最终可以分解为单个SELECT语句来处理; ...
PostgreSQL-必须出现在GROUP BY子句中或在聚合函数中使用我在pg生产模式下遇到此错误,但在sqlite3开发模式下工作正常。ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ManagementController#indexPG::Error: ERROR: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function LINE 1: SELECT ...
column “class” must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function 就是说这个 select class是非法的。 刚从MySQL切到PostgreSQL后很可能会比较难受这个点。 其实有一种很简单的方法, 那就是你反正其他的字段其实都一样,随便取一个就行,所以还是保持原来的GROUP BY 子句,然后直接给所...
Cause: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function PostgreSQL的selectd字段必须是group by的字段里的 或者使用了聚合函数。MySQL则没有这个要求,非聚合列会随机取值。错误例子:select name, age, count(*)from user ...