报错:column att_test01.stname must appear in the group by clause or be used in an aggregate function gauss200是基于开源的postgres-XC开发的分布式关系型数据库系统,这是postgres常见的聚合问题。 解决方法如下: SELECT b.stname,b.gender,b.age,a.avg FROM (SELECT gender,AVG(age) AS avg FROM att...
Column ‘student.score' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. 出现以上错误的原因是因为一个学生id对应多个分数,如果我们简单的在SELECT语句中写上score,则无法判断应该输出哪一个分数。如果想用score作为select语句的参数可以将它用...
Introduction to PostgreSQL GROUP BY clause The GROUP BY clause divides the rows returned from the SELECT statement into groups. For each group, you can apply an aggregate function such as SUM() to calculate the sum of items or COUNT() to get the number of items in the groups. The followi...
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ManagementController#indexPG::Error: ERROR: column "estates.id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function LINE 1: SELECT "estates".* FROM "estates" WHERE "estates"."Mgmt" = ... ^ : SELECT "estates".* FROM "estates" WHERE ...
ERROR:column"tbl_insert.c" must appearintheGROUPBYclauseorbe usedinan aggregatefunctionLINE1:selecta,b,cfromtbl_insertgroupbya,b; 二.ORDER BY 使用ORDER BY对结果集进行排序,默认使用ASC升序排列,可指定DESC降序排列。 示例1.查询tbl_insert表按照a升序,c降序排列 ...
IntoClause*intoClause;/* target for SELECT INTO, like create table as */List*targetList;/* the target list (of ResTarget) */List*fromClause;/* the FROM clause */Node*whereClause;/* WHERE qualification */List*groupClause;/* GROUP BY clauses */boolgroupDistinct;/* Is this GROUP BY ...
4 GROUP BY title 5 ORDER BY SUM(salary); 这里要注意一下几个CLAUSE的先后次序。 WHERE在这里主要是做参与分组的记录的限制。 **另外,如果要选取出来一个不加组函数的列,如上面的TITLE,就要把这个列GROUP BY !否则要出错的!信息为 :ERROR at line 1: ...
PostgreSQLGROUPBY列必须出现在GROUPBY中 、 FK_itemId"=items.id) as scoreGROUPBY score.id 内部块本身工作,我相信我遵循了相同的格式。但是,它会输出错误: ERROR: column "score.name" must appear in theGROUPBY clause or be used in an a
Cause: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "r.name" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function PostgreSQL的selectd字段必须是group by的字段里的 或者使用了聚合函数。MySQL则没有这个要求,非聚合列会随机取值。错误例子:select name, age, count(*)from user ...
PostgreSQL-必须出现在GROUP BY子句中或在聚合函数中使用Ruby 慕仙森 2019-12-03 16:12:54 我在pg生产模式下遇到此错误,但在sqlite3开发模式下工作正常。 ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ManagementController#indexPG::Error: ERROR: column "estates.id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in...