--获取本月的最后一天 select last_day(sysdate) from dual; --根据日来对月进行四舍五入。如2018-9-8,结果就是2018-9-1;2018-9-20,结果为2018-10-1 select round(sysdate,'MONTH') from dual; --按照月份来截取日期。如2018-9-8,结果是2018-9-1;2018-9-20,结果为2018-9-1 select trunc(sysdat...
select to_char( now() + interval '1 day','YYYYMMDD'); --上月 select to_char( now() - interval '1 month','YYYYMM'); --下个月 select to_char( now() + interval '1 month','YYYYMM'); --current_timestamp 同 now() 函数等效 select current_timestamp; SELECT to_char(current_time...
date、time、datetime、tzinfo、timedelta 等等。
在PostgreSQL中,可以使用日期范围类型(daterange)来表示包含开始日期和结束日期的日期范围。要获取包含结束日期的日期范围,可以使用以下方法: 1. 使用闭区间([))表示法: ...
http://blog.csdn.net/chuan_day/article/details/45025985 时间的类型 PostgreSql数据库中的时间类型大致可以分为四种类型或者格式,分别为: 1、 Date:4个字节,只有日期没有时间如:“2015-04-10”; 2、 Timestamp:8个字节,可以有时区也可以没有,包含日期和时间, ...
extract(field from interval) double 获取子域 extract(month from interval '2 years 3 months') 3 localtime time 今日的时间 localtimestamp timestamp 日期和时间 now() timestamp 当前的日期和时间(等效于 current_timestamp) timeofday() text 当前日期和时间 3. EXTRACT,date_part函数支持的field: ...
The log_min_duration_statement parameter is a time setting (granularity milliseconds) that indicates how long a query must run before sending it to the log file. To get all the queries, set this to 0, but be warned: this can cause quite a lot of I/O!
Choose Next: Tags and Next: Review to get to the last page of the policy creation process. Enter a Name and Description for this policy, and then choose Create policy. The policy is created and is added to the Policies list. You see an alert in the Console as this occurs. On the ...
For additional flexibility, the Month Days check list includes an extra Last Day option. This matches the last day of the month, whether it happens to be the 28th, 29th, 30th or 31st. 里面包含两大部分,每个部分包含子项: Days Week Days:表示每周几执行 ...
SELECT add_months(current_date, 2); The following information is returned: add_months --- 2019-08-31 (1 row) last_day(value date) This function returns the last day of the month for the specified date. The return value is a date. SELECT...