--current_timestamp 同 now() 函数等效 select current_timestamp; SELECT to_char(current_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'); --近一周 select now() - interval '1 week'; --近一月 select now() - interval '1 month'; --近一年 select now() - interval '1 year'; --下一周 select...
取时间字段的部分值:年份,月份,日… 函数:extract(field from source):field表示要取的时间对象,source表取得时间来源,其类型需为timestamp (1) 取年份: select extract (year from now()) (2) 取月/day/hour/minute/… : select extract(month/day/hour/minute from now()); select extract(day from ti...
select current_date; select extract(YEAR from now()); 取当前日期的年 select extract(month from now()); //取当前月 select extract(day from now()); //取当前日 2. 字符串操作 select 'aaaaa'||'bbbbbb' as f1; //字符串相加 select char_length('abcdefgh'); //字符串长度 select position...
SELECTpublic.get_year(now()); You should see the year of the timestamp you provided: get_year---2024(1row) We can see here that through PGRX type mappingpgrx::TimestampWithTimeZone, we were able to access a PostgreSQL type in PL/Rust. In the next section, we serialize...
select * fromm xxx where EXTRACT (YEAR FROM start_time)=EXTRACT (YEAR FROM now()); # 今年的第一天 + 1年 select (date_trunc('year',current_date) + interval'1 year')::DATE; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 总结 趁着闲暇之余 使用PostgreSQL 进行sql练习 每天进步一点点 ~...
SELECT DATE_PART(CURRENT_DATE, 'DOW') AS current_day; The output states that it's the third day of the week. How to Get/Extract a Specific Field From the Given Timestamp? Using the DATE_PART() function, you can extract any part from a timestamp, such as a day, month, year, hou...
How to get year, month and day from seconds in PostgreSql? I'm trying to create three columns based on date in seconds format. My user.updated_at = 1521533490 I would like to get year, month and day separately and put these formated values to columns for example: year -> 2018, month...
# Get the 1st day of the next month def get_next_month_first_day(d): return date(d.year + (d.month == 12), d.month == 12 or d.month + 1 , 1) def create_sub_table(db, table): # Get current date d1 = date.today() ...
var nyMonth=vars.slice(4,vars.length); var firstDay = new Date(nyYear,nyMonth-1); ...
select now(); 或者 select current_timestamp; SELECT now()::timestamp + '1 year'; --当前时间加1年 SELECT now()::timestamp + '1 month'; --当前时间加一个月 SELECT now()::timestamp + '1 day'; --当前时间加一天 SELECT now()::timestamp + '1 hour'; --当前时间加一个小时 ...