pg_function_is_visible(function_oid) 该函数是否在搜索路径中可见 regprocedure pg_operator_is_visible(operator_oid) 该操作符是否在搜索路径中可见 regoperator pg_opclass_is_visible(opclass_oid) 该操作符表是否在搜索路径中可见 regclass pg_conversion_is_visible(conversion_oid) 转换是否在搜索路径中可见...
Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the PostgreSQL CREATE FUNCTION statement to develop user-defined functions. Introduction to Create Function Statement The create function statement allows you to define a new user-defined function. Here’s the syntax of the create function statem...
ALTER FUNCTION name ( [ type [, ...] ] ) RENAME TO new_name ALTER FUNCTION name ( [ type [, ...] ] ) OWNER TO new_ownerALTER GROUP修改一个用户组。ALTER GROUP groupname ADD USER username [, ... ] ALTER GROUP groupname DROP USER username [, ... ] ALTER GROUP groupname ...
CREATEORREPLACEFUNCTIONLOOP_TEST_02()RETURNSvoidAS$$DECLAREn numeric :=0;BEGINWHILEn<10LOOPn :=n+1;RAISE NOTICE'n 的当前值为: %',n;ENDLOOP;END;$$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; 3|32.3. FOR (integer variant) 语法: FORnameIN[REVERSE]expression .. expression[BY expression]LOOPstatementsENDLOOP[label]; ...
{ "function_executed_no_return_statement", ERRCODE_S_R_E_FUNCTION_EXECUTED_NO_RETURN_STATEMENT }, { "modifying_sql_data_not_permitted", ERRCODE_S_R_E_MODIFYING_SQL_DATA_NOT_PERMITTED }, { "prohibited_sql_statement_attempted", ERRCODE_S_R_E_PROHIBITED_SQL_STATEMENT_ATTEMPTED }, { "...
CREATETRIGGERtrigger_name{BEFORE|AFTER|INSTEADOF}{event[OR...]}ONtable_name[FOR[EACH]{ROW|STATEMENT}][WHEN(condition)]EXECUTEFUNCTIONtrigger_function; 其中,event 可以是 INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE 或者 TRUNCATE,UPDATE 支持特定字段(UPDATE OF col1, clo2)的更新操作;触发器可以在事件之前(BEFORE)或者之后(...
] ] [ FOR [ EACH ] { ROW | STATEMENT } ] [ WHEN ( condition ) ] EXECUTE { FUNCTION | PROCEDURE } function_name ( arguments ) event可以是下列之一: INSERT UPDATE [ OF column_name [, ... ] ] DELETE TRUNCATE 触发器可以定义在 INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE、TRUNCATE 事件上;可以在事件发生前、...
例如下面函数中,i3 public.tf1.c1%TYPE;变量定义的匹配decl_statement的过程: 代码语言:javascript 复制 --sqlCREATEORREPLACEFUNCTIONtfun1()RETURNSintAS$$DECLAREi3public.tf1.c1%TYPE;...--匹配语法decl_statement:decl_varname decl_const decl_datatype decl_collate decl_notnull decl_defval{PLpgSQL_variab...
TG_ARGV[] Data type array of text; the arguments from the CREATE TRIGGER statement. The index counts from 0. Invalid indexes (less than 0 or greater than or equal to tg_nargs) result in a null value. A trigger function must return either NULL or a record/row value having exactly the...
If you need cloud Postgres, get ten databases free on Neon. Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the PostgreSQL drop function statement to remove a function. Introduction to PostgreSQL DROP FUNCTION statement To remove a user-defined function, you use the drop function ...