例如,下面是一个在PostgreSQL中实现全文搜索功能的示例: -- 安装pg_trgm扩展模块 CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm; -- 创建全文搜索索引 CREATE INDEX idx_text_search ON articles USING gin (to_tsvector('english', content)); -- 执行全文搜索查询 SELECT * FROM articles WHERE to_tsvector('english', content) ...
PostgreSQL全文检索功能FTS(Full Text Search,全文检索) 提到全文,你是否立刻想到了大名鼎鼎的Lucene和Elasticsearch。Elasticsearch 基于 Lucene ,并为开发者提供丰富的接口和工具,但是这也造成了它日益庞大。 使用它,你得备上大的服务器,优秀的运维团队,还要承受数据同步的心智负担。但你的需求其实很简单,只是,或者简单...
insert into articles(title, content) values ('My First Article','PostgreSQL is a relational database management system.'), ('My Second Article','Groonga is a fast full text search engine that supports all languages.'), ('My Third Article','PGroonga is a PostgreSQL extension that uses Groon...
-- 创建 extension CREATE EXTENSION zhparser; -- 查看是否创建成功 select * from pg_ts_parser; -- 使用解析器创建配置 CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION testzhcfg (PARSER = zhparser); -- 添加令牌映射 ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION testzhcfg ADD MAPPING FOR n,v,a,i,e,l WITH simple; -- 配置...
dict_int | 1.0 | | text search dictionary template for integers system_stats | 1.1 | | System statistic functions for LightDB lt_freespacemap | 1.2 | | examine the free space map (FSM) plorasql | 1.1 | 1.1 | PL/oraSQL procedural language ...
pg_jieba is a PostgreSQL extension for full-text search of Chinese. NOTE It is tested on This branch require C++11(gcc4.8+), because the new version of cppjieba upgrade to C++11. If the OS compiler did not support C++11, please try old version of pg_jieba as branch v1.0.1 ...
Zhparser is a PostgreSQL extension for full-text search of Chinese language (Mandarin Chinese). It implements a Chinese language parser base on theSimple Chinese Word Segmentation(SCWS). Project home page:http://blog.amutu.com/zhparser/
Full-text search extensionsExpand table ExtensionDescriptionPG 11PG 12PG 13PG 14PG 15PG 16 dict_int Provides a text search dictionary template for integers. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 dict_xsyn Text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 unaccent A...
用英文写的,主要是命令和代码,就不翻译了,偷懒一下。 This article show you how to create a parser to handle camel case [3] in string in Postgresql full text search. This pa...
PostgreSQL 8.3.1 全文检索(Full Text Search) 转自:http://www.blogjava.net/agun/archive/2008/04/23/195086.html 在postgreSQL 8.3自带支持全文检索功能,在之前的版本中需要安装配置tsearch2才能使用,安转配置tsearch2就不再多说了,主要介绍一下8.3中自带全文检索功能。