* PreventCommandIfReadOnly: throw error if XactReadOnly * * This is useful partly to ensure consistency of the error message wording; * some callers have checked XactReadOnly for themselves. */ void PreventCommandIfReadOnly(const char *cmdname) { if (XactReadOnly) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(...
接下来追踪全局变量XactReadOnly在什么时候被赋值为true。 二、变量追踪 走读代码:postmaster守护进程fork出postgres后,在InitPostgres阶段StartTransaction()函数根据是否RecoveryInProgress来赋值,如果RecoveryInProgress()为true就设置XactReadOnly=true /* * Make sure we've reset xact state variables * * If recovery...
5 How can I mark a table read-only? 0 Grant read-only permissions 27 Connecting to Postgres database with read only access. 3 Set read-only for only 1 table in postgresql 12 Postgresql readonly role and user 6 How do I make a table read-only in PostgreSQL 1 PostgreSQL: read o...
ERROR: permission deniedforrelation tb2 为了让readonly用户可以有权限继续查看新建的表,需要为该新建的schema指定default权限 edbstore=>ALTERDEFAULTPRIVILEGESINSCHEMAota_dataGRANTSELECTONTABLESTOreadonly;ALTERDEFAULTPRIVILEGESedbstore=>\ddpDefaultaccessprivilegesOwner|Schema|Type|Accessprivileges---+---+---+--...
但RDS for PostgreSQL 则完全是另一个故事了,如果您想使用类似规格的云数据库,最接近的规格是 db.m5.24xlarge,96C,384G,配置 3.6T / 80000 IOPS 的 io1存储(c5d.metal 3.6T NVME SSD 8K RW IOPS 大约95K左右,普通 io1 存储最高 IOPS 为 80K),则每月成本为 24万¥,每年成本为286,7630¥ ,是同...
GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMApublicTO devgrp;--For example purposes only.You should be selective on--privileges based on your needs GRANT ALL ON SCHEMApublicTO devgrp;GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMApublicTO devgrp;现在用 psql 检查用户是否属于该组1\du ...
Password for user user001: psql.bin (9.5.9) Type "help" for help. testdb01=> testdb01=> alter user user001 set default_transaction_read_only=on;(数据库不需要重启也永久生效) ALTER ROLE testdb01=> create database test001; ERROR: permission denied to create database ...
start psql cli and set a password for the created user: postgres@server:~$ psql psql (10.6 (Ubuntu 10.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1), server 9.5.14) Type "help" for help. postgres=# alter user readonly with password 'readonly'; ALTER ROLE connect to the target database: postgres=# \c target...
当一个事务使用这个隔离级别运行时, 一个查询(没有FOR UPDATE/SHARE子句)只能看到查询开始之前已经被提交的数据,而无法看到未提交的数据或在查询执行期间其它事务提交的数据。实际上,SELECT查询看到的是一个在查询开始运行的瞬间该数据库的一个快照。不过SELECT可以看见在它自身事务中之前执行的更新的效果,即使它们还没...
Following is a list of commands that seems to work to create new user (login) and grant readonly access for one specified table on PostgreSQL. Let's assume that these commands are executed on login with sufficient privileges (i.e. postgres login in default install). CREATE ROLE user_...