在laravel 5.7中,FIND_IN_SET查询不能工作 Laravel (5.7)查询构建器向查询的SQL添加(冗余) 'is not null‘ 获取刀片laravel 5.7中的基本url 在MySQL 5.7中优化查询 New Relic中的慢查询和"postgresql other“查询 UniSharp/ laravel -ckeditor在laravel 5.7中不起作用 Laravel Passport和PostgreSQL的连接错误 Larave...
PostgreSQL: SELECT now() 4、find_in_set()函数(允许在逗号分隔的字符串列表中查找指定字符串的位置) MySQL: SELECT t.dept_id FROM sys_dept t WHERE find_in_set(‘100’, ancestors) PostgreSQL: SELECT t.dept_id FROM sys_dept t WHERE ‘100’ = ANY (string_to_array(ancestors, ‘,’)) 5...
七、mysql find_in_set()函数可以使用ANY()方案。比如: #{deptId}||''=ANY(STRING_TO_ARRAY(ancestors,',')) 总结:通过以上步骤基本可以完成ruoyi的数据库从mysql切换到postgresql,希望可以帮助到你。如果您有更好的迁移方案,欢迎留言交流。
WHERE find_in_set(post_id, @pv) AND length(@pv := concat(@pv, ',', reply_id)) ) tmp GROUP BY id, level ) tmp1 WHERE (count = 1) ORDER BY id PG 的cte是可以嵌套的,比如 Discourse 里这段查询,注 WITH period_actions 是嵌套在flag_count 里面的: ...
PostgreSQL Adaptor for C++ DataSketches: This code is expected to be compatible with PostgreSQL versions 9.4 and higher. It was tested with REL_11_STABLE branch. PostreSQL must be installed to compile the extension. The path to PostgreSQL executables must be set up (try running 'pg_config' ...
in find_inheritance_children () #6 0x000000000050c212 in find_all_inheritors () -- 找到所有子表 #7 0x0000000000645e4e in expand_inherited_tables () #8 0x000000000063a6e8 in subquery_planner () #9 0x0000000000618c4f in set_rel_size () #10 0x0000000000618e7c in set_rel_size () #11...
用较少的内存和较长的时间完成合并操作,结果和ST_Union相同 ST_MemUnion(geometry set) 几何对象存取函数: 获取几何对象的WKT描述 ST_AsText(geometry) 获取几何对象的WKB描述 ST_AsBinary(geometry) 获取几何对象的空间参考ID ST_SRID(geometry) 获取几何对象的维数 ST_Dimension(geometry) 获取几何对象的边界范围...
16394 | lib1 | 13108 | postgres | idle | | SET application_name = 'PostgreSQL JDBC Driver' 16394 | lib1 | 19376 | postgres | idle | | SET application_name = 'PostgreSQL JDBC Driver' | | 14144 | | | | ...
For example, to find the ten most frequent words in a document collection: SELECT*FROMts_stat('SELECT vector FROM apod')ORDERBYnentryDESC, ndocDESC, wordLIMIT10; The same, but counting only word occurrences with weight A or B: SELECT*FROMts_stat('SELECT vector FROM apod','ab')ORDERBY...