针对你遇到的org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: integer out of range错误,这是一个常见的PostgreSQL数据库错误,通常发生在尝试将一个超出整数范围的值插入到整数类型的列中时。下面我将根据提供的tips,详细解答你的问题: 1. 确认错误信息的来源和上下文 这个错误信息表明,你在使用PostgreSQL数据库时,尝试插入...
postgresql源码: publicvoidsendInteger2(intval)throws IOException{if(val>=-32768&&val<=32767){this.int2Buf[0]=(byte)(val>>>8);this.int2Buf[1]=(byte)val;this.pgOutput.write(this.int2Buf);}else{thrownewIOException("Tried to send an out-of-range integer as a 2-byte value: "+val);}...
ERROR:bigintoutofrange hrdb=#INSERTINTOtab_serialVALUES(32767,2147483648,9223372036854775807); ERROR:integeroutofrange hrdb=#INSERTINTOtab_serialVALUES(32768,2147483647,9223372036854775807); ERROR:smallintoutofrange hrdb=#--当然,既然是序列类型,那可以插入默认值 hrdb=#INSERTINTOtab_serial hrdb-#VALUES(def...
简介:PostgreSQL【异常 01】java.io.IOException:Tried to send an out-of-range integer as a 2-byte value 分析+解决 1.问题分析 项目里有一个从MySQL导入PostgreSQL然后利用GIS相关插件计算空间数据的定时任务,上线某地市没有任何问题,后期上线到一个大城市,定时任务报错 java.io.IOException: Tried to send an...
postgres=# select 2147483647::int; int4 --- 2147483647 (1 row) postgres=# select 2147483648::int; ERROR: integer out of range For information about these data types, see Numeric Types. With the NUMBER data type having precision and scale in Oracle, it can be either DOUBLE PRECISION or NU...
范围类型(range types) 领域类型(domain types) 长文预警--- 整数类型(integer types) integer,4字节,应该成为数字类型的首选,例如存储金额,可以以分为单位存储 smallint,2字节,更节省磁盘空间 bigint,8字节,能够存储的数字范围更大 任意精度类型(arbitrary precision numbers) 关键特性:占用存储空间可变 语法 NUMERI...
pg_catalog | = | anyrange | anyrange | boolean | range_eq | equal pg_catalog | = | bigint | bigint | boolean | int8eq | equal pg_catalog | = | bigint | integer | boolean | int84eq | equal pg_catalog | = | bigint | smallint | boolean | int82eq | equal ...
Integer Int32 Int32 BigInt Int64 Int64 Decimal (Precision <= 28) Decimal Decimal Decimal (Precision > 28) Unsupport String Numeric Decimal Decimal Real Single Single Double Double Double SmallSerial Int16 Int16 Serial Int32 Int32 BigSerial Int64 Int64 Money Decimal String Char String String Varch...
* Reject out-of-range inputs. We really ought to check the integer * inputs as well, but it's not entirely clear what limits to apply. */if (isinf(secs)||isnan(secs)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), ...
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