方法如下:先建序列,然后建表关联id主键,然后添加语句,不用考虑id主键 DROPSEQUENCEIFEXISTS"public"."sp_warehouse_id_seq";CREATESEQUENCE "public"."sp_warehouse_id_seq" INCREMENT1MINVALUE1MAXVALUE9223372036854775807START1CACHE1;DROPTABLEIFEXISTS"public"."sp_warehouse";CREATETABLE"public"."sp_warehouse" ...
方法如下:先建序列,然后建表关联id主键,然后添加语句,不用考虑id主键 DROPSEQUENCEIFEXISTS"public"."sp_warehouse_id_seq";CREATESEQUENCE "public"."sp_warehouse_id_seq" INCREMENT1MINVALUE1MAXVALUE9223372036854775807START1CACHE1;DROPTABLEIFEXISTS"public"."sp_warehouse";CREATETABLE"public"."sp_warehouse" ...
DROP SEQUENCEDROP SEQUENCE — 移除一个序列大纲DROP SEQUENCE [ IF EXISTS ] name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]描述DROP SEQUENCE移除序数生成器。 一个序列只能被其拥有者或超级用户删除。参数IF EXISTS 如果… 阅读全文 六十八、DROP SCHEMA ...
- For instance, "IF EXISTS" checks if the sequence to be dropped exists, then drops it if it does. While the CASCADE allows the users to delete the database objects that are dependent on a particular sequence. Execute the “DROP SEQUENCE” command with the comma-separated syntax to drop ...
drop sequence IF EXISTS test_mergetable_id_seq 1. 7、查看序列 SELECT nextval('test_mergetable_id_seq') 1. 二、创建Sequences (一)创建序列方法一:直接在表中指定字段类型为serial 类型 create table tbl_xulie (id serial,name text); -- NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "tbl_...
ALTER SEQUENCE 修改序列实例的起始、步进、最大值和最小值 简单示例如下: 这里修改了start值后,其实对序列当前值并没有直接的影响。也许如果可以循环,它会以这个值作为起始吧。如果确实需要修改序列当前的值,需要使用setval方法。 DROP SEQUENCE 删除序列实例 ...
Example #2: How Does DROP IF EXISTS Command Work in PostgreSQL? The IF EXISTS is an option that checks the existence of a table. It can be seen from the above example that an error occurs when we tried to drop a table that doesn't exist. We can avoid such an error using the IF ...
删除序列 drop sequence[isexists]序列名;drop sequence[isexists]序列名1,序列名2...;案例1: create sequence mysequence start10--序列的开始值为10increment5--序列的自增长为5selectnextval('mysequence');每查询一次,序列的值就自增长5,开始值为10案例2: create sequence three start3--序列的开始值为3...
alter sequence"t_user_ID_seq"restartwith1increment by1;--创建主键序列 drop indexifexists"t_user_pkey";alter table"t_user"add constraint"t_user_pkey"primarykey("ID"); 根据已有表结构创建表 代码语言:javascript 复制 create tableifnot exists新表(like 旧表 including indexes including comments incl...
-- 创建自增序列alter sequence "t_user_ID_seq" restart with 1 increment by 1; -- 创建主键序列 drop index if exists "t_user_pkey"; alter table "t_user" add constraint "t_user_pkey" primary key ("ID"); 根据已有表结构创建表