opts = setoptions(opts,...'DataSourceName',"PostgreSQL",...'JDBCDriverLocation',"C:\Drivers\postgresql-8.4-702.jdbc4.jar",...'DatabaseName',"toystore_doc",'Server',"dbtb00",...'PortNumber',5432); Test the database connection by specifying the username and password, or leave these ...
根据Qt助手SQL Database Drivers 章节内容安装postgreSQL 8.4 for windows后,按照Qt官方的文档 How to Build the QPSQL Plugin on Windows Install the appropriate PostgreSQL developer libraries for your compiler. Assuming that PostgreSQL was installed in C:\psql, build the plugin as follows: cd %QTDIR%\sr...
For details about the driver installation or troubleshooting the installation, contact your database administrator or refer to your database documentation on ODBC drivers. Step 2. Connect using the DSN-less connection string and command line. Connect to the database using the DSN-less connection ...
PostgreSQL: Windows installers 点击Download the installer 就回去到另一个界面 Download PostgreSQL Database for Windows, Linux and MacOS & 32-bit or 64-bit Versions | EDB (enterprisedb.com) 找到需要的版本,目前最新的支持win10的版本为13.4,那我们就来个13.4,选好以后点击download 然后在下一个界面中点击...
1、进入PostgreSQL 官网,进入下载导航,点击windows系统,或直接打开如下网址: https://www.postgresql.org/download/windows/ 2、进入 Download the installer 选择要下载的版本和操作系统,这里分别选择 PostgreSQL 10.5 和 Windows x86-64: 点击DOWNLOAD NOW 下载即可。
windows qt访问postgresql mysql集锦 QT提供了对多种数据库的访问支持,对SQL Server也可以通过ODBC来进行访问。 要想顺利访问SQL Server。 首先要保证以下几点: 1. QT编译时已经编译了QtSql 2. 编译了ODBC插件。可以通过 configure -plugin-sql-odbc来保证,也可以单独编译~\src\plugins\sqldrivers\odbc...
1) Download PostgreSQL Installer for Windows First, go to the download page of PostgreSQL installers on the EnterpriseDB. Second, download the PostgreSQL for Windows x86-64 version 16.1 (or the latest version). It’ll take a few minutes to complete. 2) Install PostgreSQL on Windows step-by-...
这下便会在%QTDIR%\plugins\sqldrivers目录下面生成libqsqlmysql.a, qsqlmysql.dll这两个文件了。 有一点, 就是下载他给出的mingw-utils-0.3.tar.gz 文件, 只需要把里面的 reimp 工具复制到你的 minGW目录下的bin 里就可以了,这样按上面的步骤就可以生成需要的驱动了。 make 结束后, 库文件会生成到qt的系...
简介:环境准备 windows server 2019 镜像文件,官网地址 =》Windows Server 2019 | Microsoft postgresql 12.x for windows,官网地址=》PostgreSQL: The world's most advanced open source database 准备一个满足以上条件的服务器;(物理机,VM 均可)以上环境中安装 windows server 2019 的环节省略,... ...
RazorSQL ships with the JDBC drivers necessary to connect to PostgreSQL databases. There is also an ODBC driver available for PostgreSQL, and if using Windows, users can connect to PostgreSQL with RazorSQL using ODBC assuming an ODBC datasource has been configured for PostgreSQL in the ODBC contr...