My question is whether it is good practice to also set the individual foreign key constraints here, or if this results in redundant extra integrity checks on INSERT, as the integrity is already going to be checked at the FOREIGN KEY line. Or perhaps Postgresql is sophisticated in that it wil...
To define a foreign key, you can use a foreign key constraint. PostgreSQL foreign key constraint syntax The following illustrates a foreign key constraint syntax: [CONSTRAINT fk_name] FOREIGN KEY(fk_columns) REFERENCES parent_table(parent_key_columns) [ON DELETE delete_action] [ON UPDATE update...
-D, --define=VARNAME=VALUE定义变量以供自定义脚本使用 -j, --jobs=NUM指定线程数 -l, --log将事务时间写入日志文件 -L, --latency-limit=NUM将持续时间超过M毫秒的事务计数为延迟 -M, --protocol=simple|extended|prepared查询的协议(默认:simple) ...
#define BM_IO_ERROR (1U << 27) /* previous I/O failed */ //开始写则变DIRTY #define BM_JUST_DIRTIED (1U << 28) /* dirtied since write started */ //存在等待sole pin的其他进程 #define BM_PIN_COUNT_WAITER (1U << 29) /* have waiter for sole pin */ ...
Partitioned tables do not support UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, EXCLUDE,orFOREIGN KEY constraints; however, you can define these constraints on individual partitions. When using range partitioning, a NOT NULL constraint isaddedto each non-expression column in the partition key. ...
Foreign key –show you how to define foreign key constraints when creating a new table or adding foreign key constraints for existing tables. DELETE CASCADE –show you how to automatically delete rows in child tables when the corresponding rows in the parent table are deleted. CHECK constraint –...
(this is also a warning class per the SQL standard) */ #define ERRCODE_NO_DATA MAKE_SQLSTATE('0','2','0','0','0') #define ERRCODE_NO_ADDITIONAL_DYNAMIC_RESULT_SETS_RETURNED MAKE_SQLSTATE('0','2','0','0','1') /* Class 03 - SQL Statement Not Yet Complete */ #define ...
1. CREATE AGGREGATE Define a new aggregate function. 复制 CREATE AGGREGATE name(BASETYPE=input_data_type,SFUNC=sfunc,STYPE=state_data_type[,FINALFUNC=ffunc][,INITCOND=initial_condition]) 1. CREATE CAST Define a new cast. 复制
T_DefineStmt, T_DropStmt, T_TruncateStmt, T_CommentStmt, T_FetchStmt, T_IndexStmt, T_CreateFunctionStmt, T_AlterFunctionStmt, T_DoStmt, T_RenameStmt, T_RuleStmt, T_NotifyStmt, T_ListenStmt, T_UnlistenStmt, T_TransactionStmt, T_ViewStmt, T_LoadStmt, T_CreateDomainStmt, T_CreatedbSt...