CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION function_name (arguments) RETURNS return_datatype AS $variable_name$ DECLARE declaration; [...] BEGIN < function_body > [...] RETURN { variable_name | value } END; LANGUAGE plpgsql; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 参数说明 function_name:指定函数...
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_multiple_result_sets() RETURNS SETOF refcursor AS $$ DECLARE cur1 refcursor; cur2 refcursor; BEGIN -- 打开第一个游标并返回 OPEN cur1 FOR SELECT * FROM table1; RETURN NEXT cur1; -- 打开第二个游标并返回 OPEN cur2 FOR SELECT * FROM table2; RETURN NEX...
1.在标准的PLSQL中定义变量是不能用VARIABLE关键字的,此关键字只在SQLPLUS执行环境中有效, 可使用PRINT语句输出变量内容。 2.在PLSQL中使用这种变量时,前面加”:”, 以示区分。 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE()介绍 在接下来的实验中,经常需要在调试程序时输出中间变量的值 DECLARE v_sal NUMBER(9,2) := &p_annua...
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION example_function() RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE variable_name INTEGER := 10; BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'The value of variable_name is %', variable_name; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT example_function(); 在这两个示例中,我们声明了一个名为variable_name的整数变量...
True, there is no vivid and unambiguous way to declare a single-value variable, what you can do is with myVar as (select "any value really") then, to get access to the value stored in this construction, you do (select * from myVar) for example with var as (select 123) ... wh...
These commands affect only the function they are written in, and override the setting of plpgsql.variable_conflict. An example is CREATEFUNCTIONstamp_user(idint, comment text)RETURNSvoidAS$$ #variable_conflict use_variableDECLAREcurtimetimestamp:=now();BEGINUPDATEusersSETlast_modified=curtime, comment...
set default_tablespace=表空间名称; 20.指定用户登录 psql MTPS -u 21.显示当前系统时间、 now() 22.配置plpgsql语言 CREATE LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' HANDLER plpgsql_call_handler 23.删除规则 DROP RULE name ON relation [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ] 输入
DECLARE std_name TEXT := 'Alex'; std_department VARCHAR(30) := 'Computer Science'; BEGIN std_name='John'; RAISE NOTICE '% is enrolled in % department', std_name, std_department; END $$; In the above code, the initial value of the “std_name” variable is re-initialized in the ...
INTO yourvariable FROM sometable。然后你可以把这个变量传递给你的动态查询。编辑:极简主义示例:
(RangeFunction); n->lateral = false; n->ordinality = $6; n->is_rowsfrom = true; n->functions = $4; /* alias and coldeflist are set by table_ref production */ $$ = (Node *) n; } ; rowsfrom_item: func_expr_windowless opt_col_def_list { $$ = list_make2($1, $2); ...