下载完,用管理员权限运行 选择安装位置 下一步选择安装组件 选择数据库文件安装位置 数据密码qwe123456 输入端口 选择新数据库集群要使用的区域设置 查看安装信息 点击2次Next 等待完成 输入win图标键+R键,输入cmd 然后进入安装目录cd C:\Program... Windows x86-64: 10.11 Windows x86-32: Windows x86-64: https://get.enterpri...
It runs on all major operating systems, including Linux, UNIX (AIX, BSD, HP-UX, SGI IRIX, macOS, Solaris, Tru64), and Windows. PostgreSQL is a powerful object-relational database management system! Download PostgreSQL Offline Installer Setup 64bit for PC!It is fully ACID compliant, has ...
$ /Library/PostgreSQL/11/scripts/ ;exit Server [localhost]: Database [postgres]: Port [5432]: Username [postgres]: Password for user postgres: psql (11.3) Type "help" for help. postgres=# 打开pgAdmin 4: 或者在屏幕右上方点击大象头像的图标: pgAdmin 主页如下: 点击左侧的 Serve...
PostgreSQL is an open-source, object-basedrelational databasemanagement system. It is well-known for its robustness, SQL compliance, and extensibility. In this tutorial, we will go over the step-by-step process of installing PostgreSQL on Windows 10. We will also show different ways to connect...
PostgreSql和PostGIS安装——Windows10家庭版 一、安装环境 1、系统环境:Windows 10 家庭中文版 2、PostgreSql:postgresql-11.2-1-windows-x64 3、PostGIS:postgis-bundle-pg11x64-setup-3.1.0-1.exe 二、下载地址 PostgreSql: ...
DownloadNew to PostgreSQL? New to PostgreSQL? PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 35 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance. ...
① postgresql.conf,位于%PGDATA%目录下,修改listen_addresses参数: 1listen_addresses='*'② pg_hba.conf,位于%PGDATA%目录下 可以清空该文件内容,然后配置如下内容: 1# TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD2local all all trust3host all all ::1/128 trust4host all all trust5host all ...
The database cluster will be initialized with locale "Chinese_China.936". initdb: could not find suitable text search configuration for locale "Chinese_China.936" The default text search configuration will be set to "simple". Data page checksums are disabled. Enter new superuser password: Enter...
Downloads4626 OSWindows 11, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows 10 32/64 bit, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 2008, Windows 8 32/64 bit, Windows 7 32/64 bit InstallationInstal And Uninstall KeywordsPostgreSQL,relational database manager,database management,quer...