如果没有,使用下面的 sql 语句创建一个新用户。 CREATE USER new_owner WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'password'; new_owner和password替换成您的用户名和密码。 Step 4: Change the Owner 使用ALTER DATABASE命令更改数据库的所有者。 ALTER DATABASE db_name OWNER TO new_owner; 将db_name替换为数据库名称,将new...
alter database "GSCloud1903" owner to zhaobsh; 增加权限 grant all on database "GSCloud1903" to zhaobsh; 设置是 supseruser 以及 登录权限 alter user zhaobsh superuser login
postgres=#createdatabaseschoolwithowner=president template=template0 encoding='UTF8'lc_collate='C'lc_ctype='C'tablespace=tbs_test connection limit=100;CREATEDATABASE 二、修改数据库 语法: Command: ALTER DATABASE Description: change a database Syntax: ALTER DATABASE name [ [ WITH ] option [ .....
postgres=#createdatabaseschoolwithowner=president template=template0 encoding='UTF8'lc_collate='C'lc_ctype='C'tablespace=tbs_test connection limit=100;CREATEDATABASE 二、修改数据库 语法: Command: ALTER DATABASE Description: change a database ...
current_database --- postgres 2.查看用户信息 可以使用\dn来得到schema的相关信息,在PG里面的schema和user还是有一些差别,在其他数据库schema基本就是user了。 postgres-# \dn List of schemas Name | Owner ---+--- public | postgres 我们创建一个schema,然后...
(5) Could a particular Playlist suffer an Owner change? Although I don't plan on this being a feature (at least initially), I suppose this could hypothetically occur. (6) What’s the meaning of the Group.Slug and Playlist.Slug attributes? Are their values stable enough to be ...
alter database tain owner to postgres;select*from pg_database where datname='tain';datname|datdba|encoding|datcollate|datctype|datistemplate|datallowconn|datconnlimit|datlastsysoid|da tfrozenxid|datminmxid|dattablespace|datacl---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-...
postgres=# create database test; CREATE DATABASE --复杂一点的创建方式,提前创建好用户和表空间 postgres=# create database testabc owner abc encoding utf8 tablespace abc_tbs; --修改数据库 postgres=# \help alter database; postgres=# alter database test rename to bbc; ...
Name | Owner | Encoding | Locale Provider | Collate | Ctype | ICU Locale | ICU Rules | Access privileges ---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--- postgres | postgres | UTF8 | libc | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | | | template0 | postgres | UTF8 | libc | en_US.UT...