Postgresql中的dataType 1.整数类型 smallint(int2) 2bytes integer(int,int4) 4bytes bigint(int8) 8bytes 2.任意精度数值 numeric(precision,scale),用于精确的货币和科学计算。 eg:23.5141,precision=6,scale-4 如果指定,precision最大值为1000,如果numeric中没有指定precious,小数点前最多有131072个数字,小数...
sql standard sqlserver postgresql postgresqlaliases description bigint bigint bigint int8 signed eight-byte integer:有符号8字节整数 bigserial serial8 autoinc
整数类型(integer types) 任意精度类型(arbitrary precision numbers) 浮点数类型(floating-point types) 序列类型(serial types) 金额类型(monetary types) 字符类型(character types) 二进制数据类型(binary data types) 日期/时间类型(date/time types) 布尔类型(boolean type) 枚举类型(enumerated types) 几何类型(...
double precision, integer, interval, numeric, decimal, real, smallint, time (with or without time zone), timestamp (with or without time zone), xml. SQL指定以下类型(或其拼写):bigint、bit、bit variation、boolean、char、character
Postgresql:内置数据类型(data type), sqlstandardsqlserverpostgresqlpostgresqlaliasesdescription bigintbigintbigintint8signedeight-byteinteger:有符号8字节整数
CREATE TABLE sal_emp ( name text, pay_by_quarter integer[], schedule text[][] );pay_by_quarter 为一位整型数组、schedule 为二维文本类型数组。我们也可以使用 "ARRAY" 关键字,如下所示:CREATE TABLE sal_emp ( name text, pay_by_quarter integer ARRAY[4], schedule text[][] );...
CREATE TABLE sal_emp ( name text, pay_by_quarter integer[], schedule text[][] );pay_by_quarter 为一位整型数组、schedule 为二维文本类型数组。我们也可以使用 "ARRAY" 关键字,如下所示:CREATE TABLE sal_emp ( name text, pay_by_quarter integer ARRAY[4], schedule text[][] );...
PostgreSQL provides several integer data types, such as INTEGER, SMALLINT, and BIGINT. These data types assist us in storing and manipulating whole numbers.
coerce_to_target_type函数最终调用了 INT 类型的输入函数int4in,转换过程发现字符串'abc'无法转为 INT。可以执行SELECT int4in('abc')语句直接复现该报错: postgres=# SELECT int4in('abc'); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: "abc" 各种数据类型在语义分析阶段的处理流程是一致的,只是InputFun...
PostgreSQL - Data Type Numeric Types Monetary Types Character Types Date/Time Types Boolean Type Enumerated Type Geomertic Type Network Address Type Bit String Type UUID Type XML Type JSON Type Numeric Types NameStorage SizeDescriptionRange smallint2 bytessmall-range integer-32768 to +32767 ...