echo "pg user postgres, password [${password}]" # 输出这个数据库密码 二、执行脚本,生成数据库文件 $./ adduser: user 'postgres' already exists The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres". This user must also own the server process. The databas...
根据业务需求,需要将user1下的dev数据库和user2下的auth数据库整合到user1的新库prod。 经过 PostgreSql服务器root用户登录上去发现没有postgres用户。进入home目录发现是mydb。则切换到mydb用户 su mydb 创建新数据库prod psql -c "create database prod" 以流的方式,将dev的auth数据库中的数据复制到prod库中 ...
Let’s say we have a databasetest, owned by userowner. In it, we create a very secret functionfthat we do not want just anyone to be able to execute: test=> select current_user; current_user --- owner (1 row) test=> CREATE FUNCTION f() RETURNS int as $$ SELECT 1; $$ LANGU...
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user"postgres". This user must also own the server process. The database cluster will be initialized with locale"en_US.utf8". The default database encoding has accordingly beensetto"UTF8". The default text search configuration wil...
[root@docker ~]# docker logs postgresThe files belonging to this database system will be owned by user"postgres".This user must also own the server process. The database cluster will be initialized with locale"en_US.utf8".The default database encoding has accordingly beensetto"UTF8".The ...
具有login属性的角色才能用作数据库连接的初始角色名称。create role name login;超级用户状态(superuser status): 数据库超级用户绕过所有权限检查,但登录权限除外. create role name superuser;database creation 授予角色创建数据库的权限: create role name createdb;role creation ...
/usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/initdb -D /var/lib/postgresql/12/main --auth-local peer --auth-host md5 The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres". This user must also own the server process. The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US....
PostgreSQL allows schemas to contain objects owned by users other than the schema owner. This can happen only if the schema owner grants the CREATE privilege on his schema to someone else, or a superuser chooses to create objects in it. ...
useradd -g hadoop -s /bin/bash -md /home/postgres postgres 2.3.修改postgres用户密码 passwd postgres 2.4.验证新增的用户 ssh postgres@ 使用步骤2.3中设置的密码登陆, 注意后续的所有操作都在该用户下执行, 而不是root用户。 3.下载安装包 ...
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres". This user must also own the server process. The database cluster will be initialized with locales COLLATE: en_US.utf8 CTYPE: en_US.utf8 MESSAGES: en_US.utf8 ...