[ [ WITH ] ( option [, ...] ) ] [ WHERE condition ] COPY { table_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] | ( query ) } TO { 'filename' | PROGRAM 'command' | STDOUT } [ [ WITH ] ( option [, ...] ) ] where option can be one of: FORMAT format_name FREEZE [ boolean...
[postgres@db2 ttdata]$ psql psql Type "help" for help. testdb=# create table test_copy(id int4,name varchar(32)); testdb=# \copy test_copy from /home/postgres/test_copy.txt ; #把文本数据导入到表中testdb=#\copy test_copy to /home/postgres/test_copy1.txt ; #以 tab 制表符隔离...
示例5.从标准输入拷贝至表中,并将标准输入第一行作为字段名(和表中不符也没关系,copy会自动忽略第一行),字段分隔符为',' 复制代码 test=# copy tbl_test1(a,b,c) from stdin delimiter ',' csv header; Enter data to be copied followed by a newline. End with a backslash and a period on a ...
如上图所示,CREATE TABLE AS主要做两件事情,分别是建表(CREATE DATA)和填充数据(FILL DATA),下面我们就通过CREATE TABLE AS复制一张表试试看。本篇blog的示例都会用t_key_event_file_student这张表,首先给这张表插入3条数据: 接下来运行CREATE TABLE AS来复制该表: create table t_key_event_file_student_1...
postgres=# \h copy Command: COPY Description: copy data between a file and a table Syntax: COPY table_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] FROM { 'filename' | PROGRAM 'command' | STDIN } [ [ WITH ] ( option [, ...] ) ] ...
COPY 8000 1.3 COPY 命令 COPY table_name [ ( column_name [, ...]) ] FROM { 'filename' | PROGRAM 'command' |STDIN } [ [ WITH ] ( option [, ...]) ]COPY { table_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] |( query ) } TO { 'filename' | PROGRAM 'command' |STDOUT } [ [ ...
postgres=# copy public.t to '/data/pgxz/t.txt' with HEADER; ERROR: COPY HEADER available onlyinCSV mode 只有使用 CSV 格式时才允许这个选项。 导出oids 系统列 postgres=# drop table t; DROP TABLE postgres=# CREATE TABLE t (
Sample Table A sample table named “author_info” is created with the following data: Method 1: Using CREATE TABLE AS SELECT Command The “CREATE TABLE AS SELECT” statement allows a user to copy an entire table, some specific records, or the table’s structure only. The stated command is...
or in PostgreSQLâs binary table format. Common delimiters for ASCII files are tabs and commas. When using an ASCII formatted input file withCOPY,each line within the file will be treated as a row of data to be inserted and each delimited field will be treated as a column value...
copy (select * from public.tableA) to /path/to/data/file with ...";parseCopyCommand(command1);parseCopyCommand(command2);parseCopyCommand(command3);}privatestaticvoidparseCopyCommand(Stringcommand){// 更新的正则表达式,匹配第一种情况并允许可变的模式名和表名Stringregex="\\\copy\\s+(\\w+)...