select '1' = any(string_to_array( array_to_string( array(select stu_id from student),',') ,',')); -- array_to_string用法 -- array() 把查询出来的name字段转换为array数组 -- array_to_string(’数组‘,'/')把数组转化为字符串,并用‘,'连接(使用提供的分隔符连接数组元素) select stu_...
if the given string is in the "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS" format, then you can use the following format mask: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS'. As a result, the TO_TIMESTAMP will convert the given string into a timestamp
I am using Grafana version six and I want to have a dashboard with a PostgreSQL data source in which I need to convert a column whose type is a string (such as 2023-03-08 13:16:32) to time and date. For this purpose, I u…
to_timestamp(text, text) —>转换为指定的时间格式 time zone convert string to time stamp to_timestamp(‘05 Dec 2000’, ‘DD Mon YYYY’)
TheTO_TIMESTAMPfunction in PostgreSQL is a function that is used to convert a string type into a timestamp type value according to the specified format. It can convert your string into different data and time formats, but one at a time. ...
The PostgreSQLTO_TIMESTAMP()function returns a timestamp with the time zone. Examples The following statement uses theTO_TIMESTAMP()function to convert a string to a timestamp: SELECTTO_TIMESTAMP('2017-03-31 9:30:20','YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS'); ...
In PostgreSQL, the TO_TIMESTAMP() is a built-in function that accepts a string and a format and converts the given string to a TIMESTAMP based on the specified…
convert(string using conversion_name) text 使用指定的转换名字改变编码。 convert('PostgreSQL' using iso_8859_1_to_utf8) 'PostgreSQL' lower(string) text 把字串转化为小写 lower('TOM') tom octet_length(string) int 字串中的字节数 octet_length('jose') 4 overlay(string placing string from int ...
String functions BIT_LENGTH() OVERLAY() CONVERT(), CONVERT_FROM(), CONVERT_TO() ENCODE() FORMAT() QUOTE_NULLABLE() REGEXP_MATCHES() REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_ARRAY() REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_TABLE() System catalog information functions System information functions ...