{ "fdw_invalid_string_length_or_buffer_length", ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_STRING_LENGTH_OR_BUFFER_LENGTH }, { "fdw_invalid_string_format", ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_STRING_FORMAT }, { "fdw_invalid_use_of_null_pointer", ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL_POINTER }, { "fdw_too_many_handles", ERRCODE...
22003 数字值超出范围(NUMERIC VALUE OUT OF RANGE) 22026 字串数据长度不匹配(STRING DATA LENGTH MISMATCH) 22001 字串数据右边被截断(STRING DATA RIGHT TRUNCATION) 22011 抽取子字串错误(SUBSTRING ERROR) 22027 截断错误(TRIM ERROR) 22024 未结束的C字串(UNTERMINATED C STRING) 2200F 零长度的字符串(ZERO ...
/* other */ int stmt_location; /* start location, or -1 if unknown */ int stmt_len; /* length in bytes; 0 means "rest of string" */ } Query; struct ParseState { struct ParseState *parentParseState; /* stack link */ const char *p_sourcetext; /* source text, or NULL if not...
2200C invalid_use_of_escape_character 2200G most_specific_type_mismatch 22004 null_value_not_allowed 22002 null_value_no_indicator_parameter 22003 numeric_value_out_of_range 2200H sequence_generator_limit_exceeded 22026 string_data_length_mismatch 22001 string_data_right_truncation 22011 substring_err...
1、流程总结 (1)base_yylex函数进入时会优先check有没有预读的token,检查base_yy_extra_type的几个ahead变量即可。 (2)如果有预读的token就直接用了,不再重新解析 (3)如果没有预读的token,调core_yylex从lex拿一个token出来,如果是普通token直接返回yacc继续reduce (4)如果不是普通token(目前定义了一些即not li...
[, INTERNALLENGTH = { internal_length | VARIABLE } ] [, PASSEDBYVALUE ] [, ALIGNMENT = alignment ] [, STORAGE = storage ] [, DEFAULT = default ] [, ELEMENT = element ] [, DELIMITER = delimiter ] ) CREATE USER 创建一个新的数据库用户帐户。
PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: The number of days a password can be used before the user is prompted to change it. PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: The length of the grace period after a password expires until the user is forced to change their password. When the grace period expire...
translate unicode symbol '∅' to NULL every time. If you don't use special setting by\pset null ..., thenpsqldisplays empty string instead NULL.pspghasn't any special detection (in export routines) for this case. You should to check and enable or disable menu itemEmpty string is NULL...
; } /* * If awoken after the deadlock check interrupt has run, and * log_lock_waits is on, then report about the wait. */ if (log_lock_waits && deadlock_state != DS_NOT_YET_CHECKED) { StringInfoData buf; const char *modename; ...
PostgreSQL 参数 check_function_bodies = on 时,如果这个扩展语言实现了validator,那么使用这个扩展语言create function时会自动检查函数体的内容,比如语法是否正确。 CREATEFUNCTIONvalidator_function_name(oid)RETURNSvoidAS'path-to-shared-object'LANGUAGECSTRICT; ...