请使用您正在使用的ALTER ROLESQL 命令或 SQL 客户端中的功能来更改一个或多个密码。 有关ALTER ROLE语法的帮助,请参阅PostgreSQL 文档。 注: 更改所有者登录帐户的密码后,必须更新 AWS 上的ArcGIS Server站点的注册数据库,然后才能使用新密码。 请按照使用 Manager 将数据注册到ArcGIS Server中的说明来更新已注...
First, log in to PostgreSQL server using the postgres role. Second, create a new role called calf using the CREATE ROLE statement: create role calf login password 'securePwd1'; The calf role can log in with a password. Because postgres is a superuser, it can change the role calf to be...
\encoding [ENCODING] show orsetclient encoding \password [USERNAME] securely change the passwordfora user Operating System \cd [DIR] change the current working directory \setenv NAME [VALUE]setor unset environment variable \timing [on|off] toggle timing of commands (currently off) \! [COMMAND]...
| CONNECTION LIMIT connlimit | [ ENCRYPTED ] PASSWORD 'password' | PASSWORD NULL | VALID UNTIL 'timestamp'ALTER USER name RENAME TO new_name ALTER USER { role_specification | ALL } [ IN DATABASE database_name ] SET configuration_parameter { TO | = } { value | DEFAULT } ALTER USER {...
postgres=#ALTER USER postgres with encrypted password '123456';ALTER ROLE postgres=# 为人:谦逊、激情、博学、审问、慎思、明辨、 笃行 学问:纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行 为事:工欲善其事,必先利其器。 态度:道阻且长,行则将至;行而不辍,未来可期 ...
With a connection now established to Postgres at thepsqlprompt, issue theALTER USERcommand to change the password for thepostgresuser: postgres=# ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'myPassword';ALTER ROLE If successful, Postgres will output a confirmation ofALTER ROLEas seen above. ...
postgres=#CREATEROLEreplica login replication encrypted password'replica';CREATEROLE 主库pg_hba.conf 文件增加备库访问控制 代码语言:javascript 复制 host replication replica192.168.100.202/32trust 主库postgresql.conf 文件添加主从同步参数 代码语言:javascript ...
\password [USERNAME] securely change the password for a user \conninfo display information about current connection Operating System \cd [DIR] change the current working directory \timing [on|off] toggle timing of commands (currently off)
CREATE ROLE Test_db_user; 授予具有此角色的数据库用户连接到数据库的能力。 SQL 复制 GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE Test_db TO Test_db_user; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE Test_db TO Test_db_user; 创建数据库用户 SQL 复制 CREATE USER user1 PASSWORD 'Password_to_change' 为用户分配角色...
依次按如下内容修改role.sql脚本文件,保存为role_change.sql: 去掉所有的 CREATE ROLE 语句 将带有 WITH 选项的 ALTER ROLE 语句全部替换为 CREATE ROLE 去掉postgres 用户,这是本地 PostgreSQL 的 superuser 用户, RDS 上没有此用户,故使用 master user 代替 ...