postgres=# select current_database(); current_database --- postgres 2.查看用户信息 可以使用\dn来得到schema的相关信息,在PG里面的schema和user还是有一些差别,在其他数据库schema基本就是user了。 代码语言:javascript 复制 postgres-# \dn List of schemas Name | Owner ---+--- public | postgres 我...
postgres@[local]:5432=#\c test pguserYou are now connected to database"test"as user"pguser".test@[local]:5432=#select current_database;ERROR: column"current_database"does not exist LINE 1: select current_database; ^test@[local]:5432=#select current_database();current_database ---test...
state_change | 2021-11-13 23:19:58.133412+08 wait_event_type | Client wait_event | ClientRead state | idle in transaction backend_xid | 15200695 backend_xmin | query | SELECT txid_current(); backend_type | client backend 不断更新表,使其达到阈值。 alvindb=# SELECT c.relname, c.relfr...
You can change the current database’s name using RENAME. However, you cannot rename the database while it is being accessed by other connections. Note: The owner of the database or superuser must make this change, and the user must have CREATEDB privileges. Syntax ALTERDATABASE<old_databa...
sql语句:select user;或者:select current_user; 二、创建新用户来访问PostgreSQL 先切换到Linux用户postgres,并执行psql: 代码语言:javascript 复制 [root@node71~]# su postgres bash-4.2$ psql could not change directory to"/root":Permission deniedpsql(9.6.12)Type"help"forhelp.postgres=# ...
PostgreSQL - Change Timezone The default timezone of a newly created database is UTC. You can set the timezone to a new value sessionly or globally: zzh@ZZHPC:~$ docker exec -it postgres16 psql -U root zimple_bank psql (16.1) Type "help" for help. zimple_bank=# SELECT current_...
本指导仅适用于Flink 1.12版本。CDC是变更数据捕获(Change Data Capture)技术的缩写,它可以将源数据库的增量变动记录,同步到一个或多个数据目的中。CDC在数据同步过程中,还可以对数据进行一定的处理,例如分组(GROUP BY)、多表的关联(JOIN)等。本示例通过创建Postg
Functional Change 11.0 V1.0.0 / 11.0 V1.0.2 (1) Supported automatic reading of the database mode to prevent errors caused by manual input. (2) Automatically checked whether the project versions corresponding to the old and new databases are consistent when data is migrated to the external dat...
SpringBoot+MybatisPlus+dynamic-datasources实现连接Postgresql和mysql多数据源 上面实现通过注解和配置文件的方式去进行多数据源操作。 如果业务需求,比如查询第三方接口时提供的是sqlserver的视图连接方式时,需要在调用 接口时手动新增数据源-检验数据源是否可用-切换当前数据源-查询数据-清除当前数据源 ...
Example: How Do I Change the Database Owner in PostgreSQL? In this example, we will guide you step-by-step on how to change the database owner: Step 1: Check Database Owners Firstly, execute the “\l” command from SQL Shell to check the list of databases along with their respective...