二进制数据类型(binary data types) 日期/时间类型(date/time types) 布尔类型(boolean type) 枚举类型(enumerated types) 几何类型(geometric types) 文本搜索类型(text search types) JSON 类型(JSON types) 数组类型(Array types) 组合类型(Composite types) 范围类型(range types) 领域类型(domain types) 长文...
binary bit [ (n) ] fixed-length bit string:定长位串 bit varying varbinary bit varying [ (n) ] varbit variable-length bit string:变长位串 boolean bit boolean bool logical boolean (true/false):布尔值 box rectangular box on a plane bytea binary data ("byte array") cha...
Binary Data Types - https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/datatype-binary.html 类型名称存储大小描述 bytea 1或4个字节加上实际的二进制字符串 可变长度二进制字符串 bytea 类型支持两种输入和输出格式:"escape" 和 "hex" 输出格式默认是 “hex”,可以通过配置参数bytea_output 进行修改,如下代码第一...
Using the BLOB data type, you can store binary data such as images, documents, and so on in a table. PostgreSQL does not support BLOB data type. Instead, it uses the BYTEA data type for storing binary data. Let’s take a look at the part_drawings table. The part_drawings table ...
bit binary bit [ (n) ] fixed-length bit string:定长位串 bit varying varbinary bit varying [ (n) ] varbit variable-length bit string:变长位串 boolean bit boolean bool logical boolean (true/false):布尔值 box rectangular box on a plane bytea binary data ("byte array") cha...
The bytea data type allows storage of binary strings bytea 类型 允许存储二进制串 A binary string is a sequence of octets (or bytes) 这里的binary string 是一串 octets ,也就是存储最小单位是 octet. 备注: octets 和 byte 的区别 最近项目中写文档,由于跟老外合作,所有都是英文的。经常遇到octet这...
Category - Binary Data Types Category - Date/Time Types Category - Boolean Type Category - Enumerated Type Unlike other types, Enumerated Types need to be created using CREATE TYPE command. This type is used to store a static, ordered set of values, for example compass directions,i.e. NORTH...
一个频繁被问及的问题,在存储数据的世界里面,将"大数据" 存储到POSTGRESQL 中的 binary data 字段的类型, 同时Postgresql 有两个方法来存储binary data , 那种更好呢...可以肯定的是LO 的两个优点 1 可以存储较大的数据 2 存储大数据API 支持流式数据的读和写 存储数据到POSTGRESQL 的BYTEA 的数据类型中 byte...
*/bool typisdefined;char typdelim;/* delimiter for arrays of this type */Oid typrelid;/* 0 if not a composite type */Oid typelem;Oid typarray;regproc typinput;/* text format (required) */regproc typoutput;regproc typreceive;/* binary format (optional) */regproc typsend;regproc typ...