1 Update new column with value from old columns for all the rows 1 PostgreSQL: Slow JOIN between multiple tables. 0 grouping rows of common values to create a new 'group id' for each set 2 timescaledb: Bulk insert exhausts all memory 3 Unnest array of arrays 2 Slow query for mu...
I am using objection.js in my application. I'm encountering an issue while trying to insert an array of strings into a PostgreSQL database column. The column is defined as follows: path TEXT[] NOT NULL here is the schema: path: { type: '...
Array –show you how to work with arrays and introduce you to some handy functions for array manipulation. hstore –introduce you to the hstore data type, a set of key/value pairs stored in a single value in PostgreSQL. JSON –illustrate how to work with JSON data type and use some of...
\crosstabview [COLUMNS] 执行查询并且以交叉表显示结果 \errverbose 以最冗长的形式显示最近的错误消息 \g [文件] or; 执行查询 (并把结果写入文件或 |管道) ...省略... \q退出脚本。 \h显示SQL脚本,\h + 命令,可以查看脚本语法: postgres=#
修改array: update tps_game_category set category_name = '快3' where category_level = 4 and code = 'K3'; update tps_game_mobile set category_names = Array['彩票','系统彩票','官方玩法','快3'] where category_first_type = 1;
scount:=array_length(arr,1); while rownum <= scount LOOP currsnum:=arr[rownum]; RAISE NOTICE '这里是%', currsnum; -- 开始复制 ---建表 strSQL := 'CREATE TABLE t_self_evaluation'||'_'||currsnum||' (like t_self_evaluation including constraints including indexes including comments...
SELECTstring_agg(NAME,',')FROMuser_info uWHEREu.IDIN(SELECTjsonb_array_elements_text(C.ext->'shared_owner')::int8))AS负责人 (2)组装条件为当月五号之前 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 whereDATE(to_char(to_timestamp(mr."month"/1000)+INTERVAL'8 hours','yyyy-...
[root@EULER1 contrib]# lsadminpack bloom contrib-global.mk dict_xsyn hstore intarray lo oid2name pgcrypto pg_standby pg_visibility sepgsql tablefunc tsm_system_time xml2amcheck btree_gin cube earthdistance hstore_plperl isn ltree pageinspect pg_freespacemap pg_stat_statements postgres_fdw spi...
/* OID of pg_language entry */42float4 procost;/* estimated execution cost */43float4 prorows;/* estimated # of rows out (if proretset) */44Oid provariadic;/* element type of variadic array, or 0 */45regproc protransform;/* transforms calls to it during planning */46bool prois...