First we have the bare bones of the PostgreSQL Interval, Date and Timestamp Data types. Here are the questions: What types are they? And what options do they have? What postgresql.conf variables affect date and time i/o?
isfinite(timestamp 'infinity')→ false isfinite ( interval ) → boolean 测试有限时间间隔 (当前总是为真) isfinite(interval '4 hours')→ true justify_days ( interval ) → interval 调整间隔,使得30天时间周期表示为月 justify_days(interval '35 days')→ 1 mon 5 days justify_hours ( interval...
When you subtract one timestamp[tz] value from another, you get an interval value. And when you add (or subtract) an interval value to (or from) a timestamp[tz] value, you get a timestamp[tz] value. This sounds as if it couldn’t be simpler. But it turns out that the rules ...
GaussDB(DWS) (PostgreSQL-compatible) data types, such as tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, real, double, bit, bit varying, boolean, bytea, numeric, decimal, char, bpchar, varchar, text, date, time, timetz, timestamp, timestamptz, interval, cidr, path, box, lseg, macaddr, point, pol...
GaussDB (PostgreSQL-compatible) data types, such as tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, real, double, bit, bit varying, boolean, bytea, numeric, decimal, char, bpchar, varchar, text, date, time, timetz, timestamp, timestamptz, interval, cidr, path, box, lseg, macaddr, point, polygon,...
SELECT add_retention_policy('test', INTERVAL '1 hour'); 添加代码如下,其也可以删除和修改: Datum policy_retention_add_internal(Oid ht_oid, Oid window_type, Datum window_datum, Interval *created_before, Interval default_schedule_interval, bool if_not_exists, bool fixed_schedule, TimestampTz ini...
In PostgreSQL, anintervalis a data type that represents a period of time. It can store values such as1 day,2 hours,30 minutes, etc. This data type is useful when you need to work with time intervals and perform calculations such as adding or subtracting time from a timestamp. ...
Rules, which allow a hierarchy of an incoming query to be re-written, are supported by PostgreSQL. Data Types: The following data types are supported by PostgreSQL : Boolean, Arbitrary precision numeric, Character (text, varchar, char), Binary, Date/time (timestamp/time with/without timezone...
create_time_partitions() 函式會建立指定間隔的數據分割,以涵蓋指定的時間範圍。引數table_name: 用來建立新分割區的 regclass 數據表。 數據表必須在一個數據行上分割,類型為 date、timestamp 或 timestamptz。partition_interval: 設定新分割區範圍時所要使用的時間間隔,例如 '2 hours'、或 '1 month'。end_...
select timestamp ‘2015-04-17 10:00:00′ + time ’03:00’; e) 时间间隔之间的运算: select interval ‘1 hours’ + interval ’10 minutes’; select interval ‘1 hours’ – interval ’10 minutes’; f) 时间间隔与时间类型的运算: