values: ['username', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'ab', 'A', 'B'] }; client.query(queryConfig, function (err, result) { if (err) { return console.error(err); } done(); }); }); The error I get is: { [error: syntax error at or near "$1"] name: 'error', length: 84,...
1 node.js and node-postgres syntax error 12 node.js + postgres: Syntax error at or near "$1" 0 Postgres syntax error for reference 1 postgress error: invalid input syntax for integer: "" 2 Nodejs postgres pg syntax error 0 Why I have errors in React with load data from data...
any query using .query(string, [value...], fn) gives me this error, even with the appropriate number of values, did the api change or something? Even simple stuff like: client.query('create user $1 with password \'Something1\'', ['tobi']...
1. python读取本地文件内容(1) 2. postgres创建数据库报错:ERROR: syntax error at or near "'fta-security'"(1) 最新评论 1. Re:CentOS7加域 您好,请问下yum install sssd realmd oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir adcli samba-common,这些安装包从哪里能获取到呢?我创建的centos虚拟机... --鹤鹤11postgres...
I want to delete all records into Postgress table and leave only records which were created last 1 hour. I tried this: DELETE FROM common.orders WHERE created_at < (NOW(), INTERVAL -1 HOUR); But I get error: [42601] ERROR: syntax error at or near "HOUR" Do you know how I ...
### Cause: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "duplicate" 位置:53 ; bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "duplicate" 位置:53 at
可能很多人觉得没问题,但是在执行的时候就报错了:syntax error at or near"desc" 或者:unexpected token: desc near line1, column94 错误信息应该很明显,就是新增的查询desc字段有问题。 其实出现这个错误的原因是desc这个单词是MySQL数据库的关键字,比如 order by desc,所有sql语句执行到这里的时候觉得语句有问题...
BUG #4704: syntax error at or near "RETURNING" From "Brad Constantinescu" Date: 14 March 2009, 13:45:20 The following bug has been logged online: Bug reference: 4704 Logged by: Brad Constantinescu Email address: PostgreSQL version: 8.1.4 Operating system: FreeBS...
ERROR: syntax error at or near "now" LINE 1: select timestamp(now()::timestampz); test=> select timestamp(now()); ERROR: syntax error at or near "now" LINE 1: select timestamp(now()); This does: test=> select (now()::timestamptz)::timestamp; ...
0 'ERROR: syntax error at or near "AS"' for a PL/pgSQL function with FOR LOOP 0 PostgreSQL - Creating a loop with a SELECT 0 Postgres FOR loop syntax error at or near 1 Syntax error near FOR LOOP in stored procedure Postgres 2 Loop inside a FOR loop 0 Can't run "for ...