I get this error: psql:myScript.sql:21: ERROR: syntax errorornear "BEGIN"
Postgres DDL error: 'syntax error at or near "user"' [duplicate] Ask Question Asked6 years, 6 months ago Modified5 years, 5 months ago Viewed5k times 4 This question already has answers here: Cannot create a database table named 'user' in PostgreSQL(5 answers)...
client.query(queryConfig, function (err, result) { if (err) { return console.error(err); } done(); }); }); The error I get is: { [error: syntax error at or near "$1"] name: 'error', length: 84, severity: 'ERROR', code: '42601', detail: undefined, hint: undefined, posi...
ERROR: syntax error at or near "not" LINE 2: add constraint if not exists 解决方案: 由于Postgres 不支持这种带有约束的语法(请参阅的评论),我将其重写为:a_horse_with_no_name alter table requests_t drop constraint if exists valid_bias_check; alter table requests_t add constraint valid_bia...
我刚刚将postgres转储恢复到一个新数据库中,当我尝试拉取行数据时,收到一条错误消息:使用的命令: SELECT * FROM ops_article; ERROR: syntax error at or near "/" LINE 1: /C postgres 我在sql数据库的行中看不到任何/。如有任何建议,我们将不胜感激 浏览2提问于2016-06-22得票数 0 ...
### Error updating database. Cause: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "duplicate" 位置:53 ### The error may exist in file [D:\workspace\test-pro\mybatis-plus-demo\target\classes\com\itreny\testmp\mapper\xml\DetailMapper.xml] ...
ERROR: syntax error at or near "'fta-security'" 解决方案: user(或者说owner,role)必须要双引号框起来
在Postgres 9.6环境中,当我尝试执行“合并到”查询时,它会抛出以下错误: ERROR: syntax error at or near "MERGE" LINE 1: MERGE INTO Stock USING Buy ON Stock.item_id = Buy.item_id W... ^ 它似乎不支持合并查询。然而,当我做谷歌,似乎合并是支持的Postgres从版本9.1。请告诉我这里出了什么问题。编...
PREPARE cu (text)ASCREATE USER $1WITH PASSWORD'something'; ERROR: syntax error atornear"CREATE" Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link Author tjcommentedMar 14, 2014 Ah I see, I thought the injection escaping was done by this library for .query() ...
db01=#insert into schema01.t1 values(1); #插入一个值INSERT 0 1db01=#select * from t1; #查询,直接查对象报错ERROR: relation"t1"doesnotexist LINE1: select *fromt1;^db01=#select * from schema01.t1; #查询加上shema.对象id--- 1