我们刚刚在Windows 7机器上安装了postgres 9.3服务器。如果我们试图从C:\dbfeeds\csv.csv将数据复制到数据库中,则会得到以下错误:SQL state: 42501 我在一台单独的机器上运行了9.1,解决方案是授予postgres (默认数据库用户)对该目录的读/写
SQL state: 42501 My schema is utilizing version 3.2 of function in ruby on rails for generating uuid . Solution: It seems that you are trying to load the uuid-ossp extension by directly loading the .sql file, which is not recommended on modern PostgreSQL and will not function on RDS. Use...
ESXi给用户授权 1.在安全和用户里添加root账户以外的账户 image.png 2.登录的时候提示:执行操作的...
字符串 感谢https://jamie.curle.io/creating-a-read-only-user-in-postgres/提供的几个重要方面 如...