1、常规查询日志(General Query Log): 默认情况下,此日志记录了数据库中的所有客户端连接和查询。 日志格式可以配置为详细、常规或简洁模式。 2、慢查询日志(Slow Query Log): 记录执行时间超过指定阈值的查询。 日志格式可以自定义,但通常包括查询语句、执行时间、客户端地址等信息。 3、错误日志(Error Log): 记...
1 Why is this postgresql query so slow? 2 Postgres 9.0 slow query 4 Slow sql select with index on postgres 0 Slow index scan 16 Why Index Only Scan is taking so long? 1 Postgres query slow with index only scan 1 Index scan slow in a SELECT query 0 Postgres index-only scan ...
Postgres table with 35m rows slow queries. how can i improve the performance? 3 Postgres database insert become slow after 10 days, and then it needs a full vacuum 0 PostgreSQL query using BRIN index is slow until REINDEX/VACUUM Hot Network Questions Why was Adam considered unique as ...
We have a Postgres DB which was migrated from Oracle. There is one query which is slow in Posgres (8-11 sec) but was fast in Oracle (1-2 sec). It involves aSELECT DISTINCT, which several other threads have flagged as a problem in Postgres:1,2. Is there something ...
I've inherited an Django/postgres app from another developer and I'm finding many of the queries are very slow. I've spent a lot of time correctly organising/normalising the data which was not done before which has helped a lot but some queries can still take minutes. ...
slow_query_log=on slow_query_log_file = /tmp/mysql-slow.log long_query_time = 1 #设置如何判断慢查询,这边设置超过1s就算慢查询 #使用完记得关闭 重启Mysql数据库 在Grafana图表中如果看到慢查询的时间超过1s时,基本判断为存在慢查询。 登入数据库运行命令 ...
Extremely slow PostgreSQL query with ORDER and LIMIT clauses 优化办法: 改为子查询: select * from (select * from work_log_19 where log_date=20180930 and work_process=458 and uid='9999999' order by log_time ) as a order by log_time limit 1...
1、查看mysql的慢查询日志是否开启 show variables like ‘%query%’; 可以看到slow_query_log的值是OFF,也就是mysql默认是不启用慢查询日志的。...这里还有个long_query_time,默认是10秒,也就是超过了10秒即为慢查询。...log_queries_not_using_indexes,如果设置为ON,则会将所有没有使用索引的查询都记录为...
statements that are logged. If you set log_min_duration_statement to 900ms, for example, it will only log the queries that exceed this time. Of course, this is only useful as a volume control if the value you pick is a reasonable threshold for what a ‘slow’ query is...
..-- 设置一个局部变量,不会影响全局哦 set @charId = 30; -- 查看自己的变量 select @charId; -- 在SQL中的使用案例 select * from chars...where charid = @charId; 定义全局变量(了解即可)注意哦:全局变量变量名不允许随便设置。...必须是MySQL系统能够识别的变量名称才可以,比如:slow_query_log...