[LINE]] edit function definition with external editor \ev [VIEWNAME [LINE]] edit view definition with external editor \p show the contents of the query buffer \r reset (clear) the query buffer \s [FILE] display history or save it to file \w FILE write query buffer to file Input/...
\sv[+] VIEWNAME show a view's definition \z [PATTERN] same as \dp Formatting \a toggle between unaligned and aligned output mode \C [STRING]settable title, orunsetifnone \f [STRING] show orsetfield separatorforunaligned query output \H toggle HTML output mode (currently off) \pset [N...
多版本并发控制:PostgreSQL使用多版本并发控制(MVCC,Multiversion concurrency control)系统进行并发控制,该系统向每个用户提供了一个数据库的"快照",用户在事务内所作的每个修改,对于其他的用户都不可见,直到该事务成功提交。 规则:规则(RULE)允许一个查询能被重写,通常用来实现对视图(VIEW)的操作,如插入(INSERT)、更...
查看视图的定义:SELECT view_definition FROM information_schema.viewsWHERE table_schema = 'public'AND table_name = 'employees_it'; SELECT employees.employee_id, employees.first_name, employees.last_name, employees.email, employees.phone_number, employees.hire_date,...
schemaname name pg_namespace.nspname 包含此视图的模式名字。 viewname name pg_class.relname 视图的名字。 viewowner name pg_authid.rolname 视图的所有者的名字。 definition text 视图定义(一个重建的SELECT查询)。14.4 pg_user该视图提供了对数据库用户的相关信息的访问。 这个视图只是pg_...
view / :schema selectViewSql=select definition as view_definition from pg_views where viewname = :table UNION select definition as view_definition from pg_matviews where matviewname = :table selectSchemasSql=SELECT nspname AS schema_name, pg_catalog.obj_description(oid, 'pg_namespace') AS ...
('dog & SICK'); --Search all views that have SUM or FILM SELECT * FROM information_schema.views WHERE to_tsvector(view_definition) @@ to_tsquery('sum | film'); --Search all records in sometable use myconfig column to determine configuration to use SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE myts...
What is happening is that, any page where the user doesn't have authorization to view, for example, "/" - there is a redirect to /login, with the message, "You must be logged in to view that page." Our main blueprint route function definition from the routes.py file is: @main_bp...
TextBox' does not contain a definition for 'InnerHtml' and ... 'The paging file is too small for this operation to complete. "Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet." error "input type=file". File name disappears if there is a post-back "Mailbox name not allowed. The server ...
\ef [FUNCNAME] edit function definition with external editor \p show the contents of the query buffer \r reset (clear) the query buffer \s [FILE] display history or save it to file \w FILE write query buffer to file Input/Output ...