为了清理 PostgreSQL 并释放一个槽或者增大 max_replication_slots 的值,你可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 检查当前 PostgreSQL 的 max_replication_slots 设置值 首先,你需要检查当前 PostgreSQL 数据库的 max_replication_slots 设置值。这可以通过查询系统视图或使用 SHOW 命令来完成。 sql SHOW max_replication_slots...
1.1 pg_stat_replication 可以进行流复制监控(pg_stat_replication视图显示WAL发送进程的详细信息) postgres=#SELECT *FROM pg_stat_replication ;-[RECORD 1 ]--—---+-—---pid| 7683usesysid| 16384usename|repuser application_name|node2 client_addr||client_port| 57870backe...
3.6删除slot 在slot处于活跃状态的时候是不能被删除的,首先需要在从库中将配置参数primary_slot_name 去掉,并重启,使其活跃状态失效。 aubu=# select pg_drop_replication_slot('slot49'); pg_drop_replication_slot --- (1 row) select * from pg_replication_slots ; slot_name | plugin | slot_type |...
select pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_current_xlog_location(),restart_lsn), * from pg_replication_slots; "建议: " " 如果restart_lsn和当前XLOG相差非常大的字节数, 需要排查slot的订阅者是否能正常接收XLOG, 或者订阅者是否正常. 长时间不将slot的数据取走, pg_xlog目录可能会撑爆. " 1. 2. 3. 4. 5....
SELECT*FROMpg_replication_slots; 如果复制槽不存在,可以重新创建: SELECT*FROMpg_create_physical_replication_slot('standby_slot'); 3. WAL 保留设置 确保主库的wal_keep_size或archive_mode设置合理,防止 WAL 文件过早被删除。 检查主库配置: SHOWwal_keep_size;SHOWarchive_mode;SHOWarchive_command; ...
the lost replication slots by copying WAL files from archive location. The current code is throwing an error that the slot is lost because the restart_lsn is set to invalid LSN when the WAL is truncated by checkpointer. In order to build an external service that can revive a lost slot, ...
postgres数据库有很多参数是可配置和优化的,整理如下: allow_system_table_mods,off,允许修改系统表的结构 application_name,pgAdmin 4 - CONN:5982631,设置要在统计信息和日志中报告的应用程序名称。 archive_command,./archivelog %p,设置将被调用以存档WAL文件的shell命令 ...
Dimitri Fontaine’s inputs on what to highlight about recent changes in pgcopydb:“I have been asked a lot about how to resume operations when using pgcopydb, and some users wanted to have a better grasp of how we use snapshots and replication slots and their impact...
# 更改solts最大数量(默认值为10),flink-cdc默认一张表占用一个slotsmax_replication_slots=20 # 更改wal发送最大进程数(默认值为10),这个值和上面的solts设置一样max_wal_senders=20 # 中断那些停止活动超过指定毫秒数的复制连接,可以适当设置大一点(默认60...
max_replication_slots The maximum number of replication slots that are allowed to stream WAL changes 1 (if Airbyte is the only service reading subscribing to WAL changes. More than 1 if other services are also reading from the WAL)To enable logical replication on AWS Postgres RDS or Aurora:Go...