GRANTCREATE TABLE test1_user.test1_user222 ( name text, population real, altitude int -- (in ft) ); #[Err] ERROR: permission denied for schema test1_user test1_user=# ALTER ROLE test1_user WITH CREATEROLE CREATEDB LOGIN REPLICATION ; ALTER ROLE===正确逻辑 1 创建用户 create user test1_u...
select * from information_schema.udt_privileges where grantee='[user_name]'; 1-2 创建组角色 默认情况下,新建立的数据库总是包含一个预定义的“超级用户”角色,并且省略时这个角色名叫postgres。 创建的就是默认在public可以操作自己的表,其它的表没有权限 角色属性 一个数据库角色可以有一些属性,这些属性只...
postgres=# insert into test_policy(id, usr) values(1, 'user1'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into test_policy(id, usr) values(2, 'user2'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into test_policy(id, usr) values(3, 'user2'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into test_policy(id, usr) ...
查看当前数据库查询schema模式路径 sms=>show search_path;search_path---"$user",public(1row) 查看当前数据库所有schema模式 sms=>selectcurrent_schemas(true);current_schemas---{pg_catalog,public}(1row) 查看当前数据库表信息 sms=>\dListof relationsSchema...
has_schema_privilege(schema,privilege) 当前用户是否有访问模式的权限 CREAT/USAGE has_tablespace_privilege(user,tablespace,privilege) 用户是否有访问表空间的权限 CREATE has_tablespace_privilege(tablespace,privilege) 当前用户是否有访问表空间的权限 CREATE注...
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/springsecuritydemo?schema=public 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (3)预制表结构和数据 JdbcUserDetailsManager设定了一个默认的数据库模型,Spring Security将该模型定义在/org/springframew...
done ~/Desktop/demoapp ❯ npm run setup > setup > prisma migrate dev && prisma db seed Environment variables loaded from .env Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "postgres", schema "public" at "localhost:5432" Error: P1010: User `postgres`...
OPERATIONAL_DATABASE_URL = postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:postgres@db:5432 如果要指向test_db,则不...
Continue (y/n)? ySuccessfully applied migration to postgres://user@localhost:5432/hello.Your repo is updatedwiththe latest schema. See`git diff HEAD~1`fordetails. 我的大概想法是:用户可以创建一个 db schema repo,用 git 管理 schema 的修改。用户不必考虑 schema migration,只需在现有的 schema 上...
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public FROM limited_user; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO limited_user; For more information on how to configure credentials, see the Postgres Community Documentation on roles, privileges, and the GRANT, REVOKE, and ALTER DEFAULT ...