Can a web service return an HTML formatted file? Can I comment on web.config? Can I convert Windows Form to Web Form? can i do div display:none; from c# code behind? can I get all public variables in a class? can I get value from Web.config and use the value as a parameter?
当然缓存服务应该具有的功能应该包括:缓存条目的过期。在PostgreSQL中可以通过创建一个定期删除旧行的存储过程:CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE expire_rows (retention_period INTERVAL) AS $$ BEGIN DELETE FROM cache WHERE inserted_at < NOW() - retention_period;COMMIT;END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;CALL expire_rows(...
Could not find stored procedure 'sp_start_job' Could not generate configuration file error Could not get provider invariant name from the connection type qualifier "MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection" Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Datawarehouse.AS' or one of its dependencies Could...
我做了一个 Postgres 存储过程:CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetUser(ipUserId integer)RETURNS setof users AS $$BEGIN IF ipUserId is null THEN return query select * from users A order by modifieddate desc; END IF; return query select * from users where iduser = ipUserId;END;$$ LANGUAGE pl...
stored function. This gets pretty messy and has its own limitations so you have no choice but to use a stored procedures, which can not be called from within an SQL query. In MySQL 5.1 the abilities of functions are even more limiting - they can't even return a dataset. In PostgreSQL,...
This is because the intention behind a stored procedure is to perform some sort of activity and then finish, which would then return control to the caller. Before PostgreSQL version 11, stored procedures were effectively functions that didn't return data. But now there is a way ...
mysql存储过程设置: delimiter // #将mysql的结束符设置为// create procedure name(IN | OUT |INOUT str STRING) #定义存储过程名字...begin #开始存储过程 select * from tables; #执行过程 end // #结束存储过程 delimiter ; #将mysql的结束符设置为; call name(); #存储过程调用...drop proc...
CREATEEXTENSION pg_analytics;-- 创建一个parquet表CREATETABLEt (aint)USINGparquet;INSERTINTOtVALUES(1), (2), (3);SELECTCOUNT(*)FROMt;JSONB PostgreSQL中支持JSON 列类型——JSONB。它允许JSON对象直接存储在表的行中。 CREATETABLEcc_jsonb (idserialNOTNULLPRIMARYKEY,datajsonb);INSERTINTOcc_jsonb (...
CREATEEXTENSION pg_analytics;-- 创建一个parquet表CREATETABLEt (aint)USINGparquet;INSERTINTOtVALUES(1), (2), (3);SELECTCOUNT(*)FROMt;JSONB PostgreSQL中支持JSON 列类型——JSONB。它允许JSON对象直接存储在表的行中。 CREATETABLEcc_jsonb (idserialNOTNULLPRIMARYKEY,datajsonb);INSERTINTOcc_jsonb (...