因此,Stephan甚至更进一步建议我们使用ChatGPT来编写存储过程。 CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE expire_rows (retention_period INTERVAL) AS$$BEGIN DELETE FROM cache WHERE inserted_at < NOW() - retention_period; COMMIT;END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CALL expire_rows('60 minutes'); -- This will remove rows ...
The PostgreSQL 16 query planner now tries to form a plan which feeds the rows to the plan’sAggregatenode in the correct order. And the executor is now smart enough to recognize this and forego performing the sort itself when the rows are already pre-sorted in ...
Every other question I've seen along these lines involves deletes/updates in the primary and queries on the read replica that interact with those rows. Is Postgres unable to stream updates from the primary if any query is running on the read replica? postgresql Share Improve t...
#创建数据表 psql -U dbuser -d testdb -h -p 5432 create table tb_test ( id bigserial primary key not null, name varchar(64) ); #插入数据 insert into tb_test(name) values('name1'); insert into tb_test(name) values('name2'); insert into tb_test(name) values('name3...
The index is being created on the embedding column in the tweet_embeddings table, which contains vector embeddings generated from the original tweet dataset. The vector_cosine_ops argument specifies the indexing operation to use for the embeddings. In this case, it's using the cosine similarity ...
postgresql中,每个表对应一个单独的文件,文件名以oid命名,超过文件大小限制后,加后缀.1,.2等,同时还有以oid为前缀的fsm和vm文件。truncate后,文件名会变,oid不变。 postgres=# select oid from pg_class wh…
partition_table_concurrently(relation REGCLASS, batch_size INTEGER DEFAULT 1000, sleep_time FLOAT8 DEFAULT 1.0) Starts a background worker to move data from parent table to partitions. The worker utilizes short transactions to copy small batches of data (up to 10K rows per transaction) and thus...
MariaDB[test]>create table company(id int not null primary key,name varchar(50),addr varchar(255)); Query OK,0 rows affected (0.165sec) MariaDB[test]>insert into company values(1,"facebook","usa"); Query OK,1 row affected (0.062sec) ...
Postgres-XL 10.1搭建 1、简介 Postgres-XL 一款开源的PG集群软件,XL代表eXtensible Lattice,即可扩展的PG“格子”之意。它是一个完全满足ACID的、开源的、可方便进行水平扩展的、多租户安全的、基于PostgreSQL的数据库解决方案。 与Pgpool
i.e. if serial type was used for table creation, this should all work: CREATE TABLE t1 ( id serial, name varchar(20) ); SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('t1', 'id'); -- returns 't1_id_seq' -- reset the sequence, regardless whether table has rows or not: SELECT setval(pg...