test=> CREATE DATABASE test3; ERROR: permission denied to create database #没切超级用户,但已经给提示了,只是权限不够而已,语句是没有问题的,切换用户即可成功建立新数据库。 小结:在psql这个终端内,SQL语句需要加分号,在图形化管理界面不需要加分号,同MySQL一致的。 二,用户的新建,赋权,权限更改,查询当前...
select current_database(),buk this_buk_no,cnt rels_in_this_buk,pg_size_pretty(min) buk_min,pg_size_pretty(max) buk_max from( select row_number() over (partition by buk order by tsize),tsize,buk,min(tsize) over (partition by buk),max(tsize) over (partition by buk),count(*) ...
current_database() name 当前数据库的名字 current_schema() name 当前模式的名字 current_schemas(boolean) name[] 在搜索路径中的模式名字 current_user name 目前执行环境下的用户名 inet_client_addr() inet 连接的远端地址 inet_client_port() int 连接的远端端口 inet_server_...
下面是一些实操及输出样例,供参考(下面关于建表操作举例,直接获取自:https://www.runoob.com/postgresql/postgresql-create-table.html): $ psql -U postgres# 使用postgres用户登录psql(10.16(Ubuntu10.16-0ubuntu0.18.04.1))Type"help"forhelp.postgres=# \l # 查看所有数据库(相当于 show databses)List of d...
Doing a simple query--get a list of records (SELECT) Maintenance and operations Timing Watch Maintenance What you need to know Before using this section, you'll need: The user name and password for your PostgreSQL database The IP address of your remote instance ...
sms=>selectcurrent_schemas(true);current_schemas---{pg_catalog,public}(1row) 查看当前数据库表信息 sms=>\dListof relationsSchema|Name|Type|Owner---+---+---+---public|pg_stat_statements|view|postgrespublic|sms_black_list|table|sms_rwpublic|sms_black_list_id_seq|sequence|sms_rwpublic|...
(String table, Map<String, Set<String>> dependencies, Set<String> visited, Set<String> tempMarks, List<String> orderedTables, Set<String> filterTables) { if (!filterTables.contains(table)) { return; // 如果表不在过滤列表中,直接返回 } if (tempMarks.contains(table)) { throw new Runtime...
pg_ctl stop --mode=fast --wait -D DATA_DIRECTORY Command Line Utilities Postgres.app also includes useful command line utilities (note: this list may be outdated): PostgreSQL: clusterdb createdb createlang createuser dropdb droplang dropuser ecpg initdb oid2name pg_archivecleanup pg_basebackup ...
azdata postgres shell用于Postgres 的命令行 shell 接口。 请参见https://www.pgcli.com/Bash 复制 azdata postgres shell [--dbname -d] [--host] [--port -p] [--password -w] [--no-password] [--single-connection] [--username -u] [--pgclirc] [--dsn] [--list-dsn] [--row-...
403 InvalidInstanceLevel.Malformed Current DB instance level does not support this operation. 当前数据库实例级别不支持此操作。 404 InvalidDBInstance.NotFound Specified instance does not exist or not support. 指定的实例不存在指定的实例被删除或者实例不支持当前操作。 404 InvalidClusterKms The current inst...