*/intminMsgNum;/* oldest message still needed */intmaxMsgNum;/* next message number to be assigned */intnextThreshold;/* # of messages to call SICleanupQueue */intlastBackend;/* index of last active procState entry, +1 */intmaxBackends;/* size of procState array */slock_tmsgnumLoc...
ypedefstructcatclist{intcl_magic;/* CatCList实例ID */#define CL_MAGIC 0x52765103uint32hash_value;/* 该链表中哈希桶对应的哈希值 */dlist_nodecache_elem;/* 哈希桶链表指针 */Datumkeys[CATCACHE_MAXKEYS];/* 查询的关键字数组 */intrefcount;/* 活跃的引用计数 */booldead;/* 某个元组死亡时为...
简介:Postgres使用序列实现主键自增基于navcat操作 前置条件:postgres已经安装,数据库已经设置主键,数据类型int8 一、新建序列 create sequence seq_sys_dept increment by 1 minvalue 1 no maxvalue start with 1; 二、ID与序列自增 选择对应id选项,默认值填写下列命令,其中seq_sys_dept为第一步创建时的名称。
Mirror of the official PostgreSQL GIT repository. Note that this is just a *mirror* - we don't work with pull requests on github. To contribute, please see https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Submitting_a_Patch - postgres/src/backend/utils/adt/jsonpath.c at
created_unix bigint, updated_unix bigint ); ALTER TABLE gtestschema.topic OWNER TO gitea; CREATE SEQUENCE gtestschema.topic_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE gtestschema.topic_id_seq OWNER TO gitea; ...
bdr.crdt_raw_value Sets the output format of CRDT data types. The default output (when this setting is off) is to return only the current value of the base CRDT type, for example, a bigint for crdt_pncounter. When set to on, the returned value represents the full representation of th...
generation int Generation of the leader node. Leader_kind sets semantics. leader_kind "char" Kind of the leader node. Leader_kind values can be: ValueDescription W Write leader, as per proxy routing. In this case leader is maintained by subgroup Raft instance. generation corresponds to write...
int maxMsgNum; /* next message number to be assigned */ int nextThreshold; /* # of messages to call SICleanupQueue */ int lastBackend; /* index of last active procState entry, +1 */ int maxBackends; /* size of procState array */ ...
('"xxl_job_registry_id_seq"', 2, true); CREATE SEQUENCE "xxl_job_user_id_seq" INCREMENT 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 2147483647 START 1 CACHE 1; SELECT setval('"xxl_job_user_id_seq"', 2, true); CREATE TABLE "xxl_job_group" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('xxl_job_group_id...
digoal=#createorreplacefunctiond_sum(int,int)returnsintas$$select$1+$2; $$languagesqlstrict; 创建聚合 digoal=#createAGGREGATE d_sum(int) ( sfunc=d_sum, stype=int, cfunc=d_sum, initcond='0', initcollect='0'); 创建测试表 digoal=#createtablet1(idint, info text) distributeby(id)to...