66 Bulk insert, update if on conflict (bulk upsert) on Postgres 4 PostgreSQL Upsert (On Conflict) with same values in Insert and Update 36 How to update all columns with INSERT ... ON CONFLICT ...? 6 Upsert if on conflict occurs on multiple columns in Postgres db 1 Using WHERE i...
它工作正常,但是源DB中的大对象字段的数据没有被复制到远程db中。这是用于复制以下内容的语句: INSERT INTO archive_remote.target_db(id, oid_field) SELECT a.id, a.oid_field FROM appl.source_db a ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; 这两个数据库都是Postgres 9.6。解决这个问题的正确方法是什么? 浏览0提问于2...
ON CONFLICT子句需要一个唯一的约束,当我们要求它DO UPDATE时。这是人们倾向于发现的主要例子。你提到你...
I have problem with Postgres Unique constraint with multiple columns that may contain NULL value. Let's assume this situation: CREATE TEMP TABLE test ( foo TEXT, bar TEXT, UNIQUE (foo, bar) ); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('foo', NULL), ('foo', NULL), ('foo', 'bar'), ('foo', ...
What happens? INSERT INTO [...] ON CONFLICT does not find unique/primary key constraint for a referenced conflict target in an attached Postgres DB. Hence, the Upsert does not occur. To Reproduce Running INSTALL postgres; LOAD postgres; ...
Mirror of the official PostgreSQL GIT repository. Note that this is just a *mirror* - we don't work with pull requests on github. To contribute, please see https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Submitting_a_Patch - postgres/src/backend/parser/parse_target.c a
function. The function unnests the array, and then the actual insert code draws from the unpacked values. If I need to extend the table, I can add a new function that knows about the revised fields, and revise (when necessary) earlier supported formats to map to new types/columns/...
INSERTs that Violate Multiple UNIQUE Constraints AnINSERT/INSERTconflict can violate more than oneUNIQUEconstraint (of which one might be thePRIMARY KEY). If a new row violates more than oneUNIQUEconstraint and that results in a conflict against more than one other row, then the apply of the ...
You can also use ON CONFLICT to update existing aggregates while also inserting new ones. The MERGE command is a more advanced version of INSERT..SELECT that can also DELETE. For instance, let’s say I have a stock table that keeps track of how many items I have left. CREATE TABLE ...
certain to have replayed to and saved. The_lagfields will show the elapsed time between the most recent confirmed flush on the client and the current time, and the_lag_sizeand_lag_bytesfields will report the distance betweenconfirmed_flush_lsnand the local server's current WAL insert position...